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Service Description: Matters of state environmental significance (MSES) mapping is a representation of the definition for MSES under the State Planning Policy (SPP) and Offset Regulation. The mapping generates layers using information from data including, but not limited to: regulated vegetation mapping; Queensland wetland mapping; protected areas; marine parks; fish habitat areas and legally secured offsets included in the ‘offsets register’.
Map Name: MattersOfStateEnvironmentalSignificance
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Description: Matters of state environmental significance (MSES) mapping is a representation of the definition for MSES under the State Planning Policy (SPP) and Offset Regulation. The mapping generates layers using information from data including, but not limited to: regulated vegetation mapping; Queensland wetland mapping; protected areas; marine parks; fish habitat areas and legally secured offsets included in the ‘offsets register’.
Service Item Id: 1afde9ce19c2412b8bf9f48c59b11aaf
Copyright Text: © State of Queensland (Department of Environment and Science) 2022
Spatial Reference:
Single Fused Map Cache: false
Initial Extent:
XMin: 1.4414622645197801E7
YMin: -2984662.679836823
XMax: 1.6650611683588803E7
YMax: -2169082.4301977544
Spatial Reference: 102100
Full Extent:
XMin: 1.5361352460484229E7
YMin: -3398482.422396301
XMax: 1.7097259531051174E7
YMax: -1008744.3224212143
Spatial Reference: 102100
Units: esriMeters
Document Info:
Title: Matters of State Environmental Significance
Comments: Matters of State Environmental Significance (MSES) mapping is a representation of the definition for MSES under the State Planning Policy (SPP) and Offset Regulation. The mapping generates layers using information from data including, but not limited to:
regulated vegetation mapping; Queensland wetland mapping; protected areas; marine parks; fish habitat areas and legally secured offsets included in the ‘offsets register’.<p>This service provides access to the following spatial datasets:</p>
<ul><li><em>MSES conservation areas\MSES protected area [estates]</em> (envep.qld_mses_01a_prot_estate)</li>
<li><em>MSES conservation areas\MSES protected area [special wildlife reserves]</em> (envep.qld_mses_01c_prot_swr)</li>
<li><em>MSES conservation areas\MSES protected area [nature refuges]</em> (envep.qld_mses_01b_prot_natref)</li>
<li><em>MSES conservation areas\MSES marine park [highly protected]</em> (envep.qld_mses_02_marine_high)</li>
<li><em>MSES conservation areas\MSES declared fish habitat area [A and B areas]</em> (envep.qld_mses_03_fish_habitat)</li>
<li><em>MSES conservation areas\MSES legally secured offset area [offset register]</em> (envep.qld_mses_09a_offset_reg)</li>
<li><em>MSES conservation areas\MSES legally secured offset area [vegetation offsets]</em> (envep.qld_mses_09b_offset_pmav)</li>
<li><em>MSES wetland values\MSES regulated vegetation [defined watercourse]</em> (envep.qld_mses_08e_veg_watercourse)</li>
<li><em>MSES wetland values\MSES declared high ecological value waters [watercourse]</em> (envep.qld_mses_06b_hev_watercourse)</li>
<li><em>MSES wetland values\MSES declared high ecological value waters [wetland]</em> (envep.qld_mses_06a_hev_wetland)</li>
<li><em>MSES wetland values\MSES high ecological significance wetlands</em> (envep.qld_mses_05_hes_wetland)</li>
<li><em>MSES wetland values\MSES strategic environmental area [designated precinct]</em> (envep.qld_mses_04_sea_des_prec)</li>
<li><em>MSES widlife habitat\MSES wildlife habitat [endangered or vulnerable]</em> (envep.qld_mses_07a_wildlife_ev)</li>
<li><em>MSES widlife habitat\MSES wildlife habitat [special least concern animal]</em> (envep.qld_mses_07b_wildlife_slca)</li>
<li><em>MSES widlife habitat\MSES wildlife habitat [SEQ koala habitat - core]</em> (envep.qld_mses_07ci_wildlife_kha)</li>
<li><em>MSES widlife habitat\MSES wildlife habitat [SEQ koala habitat - locally refined]</em> (envep.qld_mses_07cii_wildlife_lrkha)</li>
<li><em>MSES widlife habitat\MSES wildlife habitat [sea turtle nesting areas] </em> (envep.qld_mses_07d_wildlife_stna)</li>
<li><em>MSES regulated vegetation\MSES regulated vegetation [category B - endangered or of concern]</em> (envep.qld_mses_08a_veg_b_eoc)</li>
<li><em>MSES regulated vegetation\MSES regulated vegetation [category C- endangered or of concern]</em> (envep.qld_mses_08b_veg_c_eoc)</li>
<li><em>MSES regulated vegetation\MSES regulated vegetation [category R- GBR riverine]</em> (envep.qld_mses_08c_veg_r_gbr)</li>
<li><em>MSES regulated vegetation\MSES regulated vegetation [essential habitat]</em> (envep.qld_mses_08d_veg_esshab)</li>
<li><em>MSES regulated vegetation\MSES regulated vegetation [100m from wetland]</em> (envep.qld_mses_08f_veg_wetland)</li></ul>
Subject: Map service providing access to 'Matters of State Environmental Significance (MSES)' mapping layers used as a guide to assist planning and development assessment decision-making.
Keywords: Environment,Conservation,Protected area,Habitat,Wetland,Vegetation
AntialiasingMode: Fast
TextAntialiasingMode: Force
Supports Dynamic Layers: true
MaxRecordCount: 2000
MaxImageHeight: 4320
MaxImageWidth: 7680
Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF
Supports Query Data Elements: true
Min Scale: 0
Max Scale: 0
Supports Datum Transformation: true
Child Resources:
Dynamic Layer
Supported Operations:
Export Map
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