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Layer: MSES regulated vegetation [essential habitat] (ID: 18)

Parent Layer: MSES regulated vegetation

Name: MSES regulated vegetation [essential habitat]

Display Field: rvm_cat

Type: Feature Layer

Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon

Description: MSES is a set of layers representing defined values in the State Planning Policy 2017(SPP)and Environmental Offsets Regulation 2014. MSES are derived from multiple sources to be used for land-use planning and development assessment purposes.Matters of environmental signficance is defined by the SPP as:-protected areas (including all classes of protected area except coordinated conservation areas) under the Nature Conservation Act 1992-‘marine national park’, ‘conservation park’, ‘scientific research’, ‘preservation’ or ‘buffer’ zones under the Marine Parks Act 2004-areas within declared fish habitat areas that are management A areas or management B areas under the Fisheries Regulation 2008 -a designated precinct, in a strategic environmental area under the Regional Planning Interests Regulation 2014, schedule 2, part 5, s15(3)-wetlands in a wetland protection area or wetlands of high ecological significance shown on the map of referable wetlands under the Environmental Protection Regulation 2008 -wetlands and watercourses in high ecological value waters identified in the Environmental Protection (Water) Policy 2009, schedule 1 -legally secured offset areas as defined under the Environmental Offsets Act 2014.-threatened wildlife under the Nature Conservation Act 1992and special least concern animals under the Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006 -marine plants under the Fisheries Act 1994 (excluding marine plants in an urban area) -waterways that provide for fish passage under the Fisheries Act 1994(excluding waterways providing for fish passage in an urban area) -High risk area on the flora survey trigger as described by the Environmental offsets Regulation 2014, schedule 2, part6(1)regulated vegetation under the Vegetation Management Act 1999that is: -category B areas on the regulated vegetation management map, that are ‘endangered’ and ‘of concern’ regional ecosystems -category C areas on the regulated vegetation management map that are ‘endangered’ and ‘of concern’ regional ecosystems -category R areas on the regulated vegetation management map -areas of essential habitat on the essential habitat map for an animal that is ‘endangered wildlife’ or ‘vulnerable wildlife’ or a plant that is ‘endangered wildlife’ or ‘vulnerable wildlife’ wildlife prescribed as ‘endangered wildlife’ or ‘vulnerable wildlife’ under the Nature Conservation Act 1992-category A,B,C,R areas that are located within a defined distance8 from the defining banks of a relevant watercourse identified on the vegetation management watercourse and drainage feature map -category A,B,C,R areas that are located within 100 metres from the defining bank of a wetland identified on the vegetation management wetlands map.MSES mapping is viewable to an allotment scale from the SPP Interactive Mapping System (IMS) or the development assessment mapping system (DAMS), available at The mapping data can be obtained for use in a geographic information system (GIS) from the Queensland Spatial Catalogue (QSpatial) at A MSES mapping methodology can also be located online at

Service Item Id: 1afde9ce19c2412b8bf9f48c59b11aaf

Copyright Text: Source Data: Department of Resources 2022 MSES: Department of Environment and Science 2022

Default Visibility: true

MaxRecordCount: 2000

Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF

Min Scale: 1500000

Max Scale: 0

Supports Advanced Queries: true

Supports Statistics: true

Has Labels: false

Can Modify Layer: true

Can Scale Symbols: false

Use Standardized Queries: true

Supports Datum Transformation: true

Drawing Info: Advanced Query Capabilities:
HasZ: true

HasM: false

Has Attachments: false

HTML Popup Type: esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsHTMLText

Type ID Field: null

Supported Operations:   Query   Query Attachments   Query Analytic   Generate Renderer   Return Updates

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