Description: Bioregions are defined by bioregional provinces, interpreted from various source data. The Bioregions and Provinces of Queensland - Version 4.3 coverage (bioprov) is a non-homogeneous dataset with variation in spatial precision and interpretive method. The ArcInfo coverage consists of regions defined in the Interim Bioregionisation of Australia (IBRA) and the 13 bioregions defined in the report 'The Conservation Status of Queensland's Bioregional Ecosystems' (Sattler and Williams) - 1999.
Description: This dataset displays the extent of an urban or rural settlement where cadastral parcels are less than 2.5 hectares and which generally have residential (more than 50), commercial, or industrial buildings constructed on them.
Description: Contains the boundaries and names of the Queensland Drainage Basins, as defined by Australian Water Resources Management Committee (WRMC). Information includes the name and number of each drainage basin. The capture scale for this dataset is 1:100 000
Description: QLD_BASINSUBAREA_100K - Queensland is polygon coverage captured and stored in ArcInfo, depicting a subdivision of the major drainage basins in Queensland. Its original purpose was to implant some location identifier into the numbering system of bores and gauging stations. For example all bore numbers were prefixed with a four-digit number. The first three were used to locate the bore into a specific major river basin .The forth digit was used to located the bore into a subdivision of that major river basin as shown in the Sub-Basin Areas - Queensland coverage. This coverage is now only used as a means of numbering bores and gauging stations. Its capture scale is 1:100 000.
Description: This dataset contains the boundaries and names of the Queensland Drainage Divisions, as defined by Australian Water Resources Management Committee (WRMC). Information includes the name and number of each drainage division. The capture scale for this dataset is 1:100 000.
Description: This dataset reflects the boundaries of a State or Territory created following periodic redistribution of electoral boundaries as required by legislation. The individual datasets collectively form the Commonwealth Electoral Boundaries. Aspatial attribution includes Electoral Division name and area.
Description: The Administrative Boundaries - Local Government Boundaries Dataset is the spatial representation of the Local Government areas of Queensland. The dataset provides the map base for systems dealing with Local Government areas and provides data in order to generate hard copy map products. The dataset is a reference layer for spatial information systems in Queensland. For coastal Local Government areas, the Local Government area comprises the mainland and all islands above their respective sea-shores within the encompassed area, except for Brisbane Local Government area, which comprises the mainland above Low-Water Mark and includes the whole of Fisherman, Green, Mud and St Helena Islands (being islands situated in or adjacent to Moreton Bay) above the Low-Water Mark, excepting land lying below High-Water Mark on both banks of the Brisbane River and any other river, creek or stream within the area. Although Weipa Town LG area is not included in the Local Government Act, it is recognised as a Local Government under the Commonwealth Aluminium Corp Pty Ltd Agreement (Weipa Town Plan) Regulation 1994 Sub Legislation No 339. Although the Island community councils are not included in the Local Government Act, they are recognised as Local Governments under the Community Services (Torres Strait) Act and associated Regulations.
Description: The Administrative Boundaries - State Electoral Boundaries Dataset is the spatial representation of the State Electoral Boundaires of Queensland. The dataset provides the map base for systems dealing with State Electoral Boundaries and provides data in order to generate hard copy map products. These boundaries divide the state into areas for state electoral purposes. The dataset is a reference layer for spatial information systems in Queensland.
Description: The State Electoral Boundaries Dataset is the spatial representation of the State Electoral Boundaries of Queensland. The final determination was on 26 May 2017.
Description: Fire management zones show the principal purpose/s (in terms of fire management) for any given part of a reserve and therefore the way in which the area will generally be managed for fire. They are a component of the QPWS Fire Management System.
Description: The Queensland Floodplain Assessment Overlay (QFAO) represents a floodplain area within drainage sub-basins in Queensland. It has been developed for use by local governments as a potential flood hazard area. It represents an estimate of areas potentially at threat of inundation by flooding. The data has been developed through a process of drainage sub-basin analysis utilising data sources including 10 metre contours, historical flood records, vegetation and soils mapping and satellite imagery. This data represents an initial assessment and will be subject to refinement by respective Local Government Authorities.
Description: The Grazing Land Management (GLM) regions of Queensland delineate the boundaries of Land Types of Queensland regions. The GLM regional boundaries are unique combinations of Interim Biogeographical Regionalisation of Australia, Natural Resource Management areas, shires, catchments and roads. Ultimately, delineation of regional boundaries were determined by funding bodies and chronological development of land types.
Description: The data represents an approximation of the land-tidal water interface at the highest water level that can be predicted to occur under any combination of astronomical conditions.
Description: QLD_MAPSHEET_250K_A represents a map grid showing the spatial extent of 1:250 000scale map sheets of Queensland with a listing of their sheet numbers, names, and zones.
Description: QLD_MAPSHEET_100K_Arepresents a map grid showing the spatial extent of 1:100 000scale map sheets of Queensland with a listing of their sheet numbers, names, and zones.
Description: QLD_MAPSHEET_50K_A represents a map grid showing the spatial extent of 1:50 000scale map sheets of Queensland with a listing of their sheet numbers and names.
Description: QLD_MAPSHEET_25K_A represents a map grid showing the spatial extent of 1:25 000scale map sheets of Queensland with a listing of their sheet numbers and names.
Description: QLD_MAPSHEET_10K_A represents a map grid showing the spatial extent of 1:10 000scale map sheets of Queensland with a listing of their sheet numbers and names.
Description: QLD_MAPSHEET_5K_A represents a map grid showing the spatial extent of 1:5000scale map sheets of Queensland with a listing of their sheet numbers and names.
Description: The Administrative Boundaries - Locality Boundaries Dataset is the spatial representation of the Localities of Queensland. The dataset provides the map base for systems dealing with Locality areas and provides data in order to generate hard copy map products. The dataset is a reference layer for spatial information systems in Queensland.
Name: Priority development area - economic development
Display Field: lga_name
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: A Priority Development Area (PDA) is a site declared by the state government to facilitate the development of land in Queensland for economic development or community purposes.Existing interim land use plans and development schemes for sites previously declared as Urban Development Areas (UDAs) remain valid and those land use and development requirements still apply, and can be referenced as PDAs under the Economic Development Act 2012.This dataset contains the boundaries of all declared PDAs in Queensland.Herston Quarter PDA boundary has been adjusted in accordance with DCDB update (11/10/2017)
Label Placement: esriServerPolygonPlacementAlwaysHorizontal Label Expression: [HHS] CONCAT NEWLINE CONCAT "Health Service Area" Use Coded Values: true Symbol:
Color: [211, 255, 190, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: baseline Horizontal Alignment: left Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 10 Font Family: Arial Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none
Name: Regional boundary - Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
Display Field: region
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries delivers its services and operations through three regions that collectively cover the state. This dataset shows these region boundaries.
Color: [255, 235, 190, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: baseline Horizontal Alignment: left Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 8 Font Family: Arial Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none
Name: Regional boundary - Department of State Development Infrastructure Local Government and Planning
Display Field: rgn_name
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: The DSDMIP Regional Boundary dataset shows the regional service division boundaries for the Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning administrative boundaries.
Description: Queensland Transport (former) is broken into 5 operational areas - Northern, Southern, Central, South East Queensland (South), South East Queensland (North). This dataset depicts those regional boundaries. Regional boundaries define each regional offices' area of responsibility. They are predominately based on local government boundaries. Although Queensland Transport (former) and Main Roads (former) are now one entity, operational boundaries have not been standardised across the Department
Description: The Regional Action Plan Dataset is the spatial representation of the Regional Action Plan regions of Queensland. These boundaries divide the State into areas for Queensland State Budget reporting purposes. Boundaries have been derived from a combination of Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4) regions (sourced from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian Statistical Geography Standard, 2016).
Name: Regional planning interests - priority agricultural area
Display Field: region
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: Priority Agricultural Areas (PAAs)are strategic areas identified on a regional scale that contain significant clusters of what are considered to be the region’s high value, intensive agricultural land uses. Within these areas, these special agricultural land areas will be given additional protection from incompatible resource activities. PAAs have been introduced to protect: proven productive agricultural areas, agricultural land uses with significant infrastructure investment, agricultural land uses that have the potential to be significantly impacted by resource activities and have limited scope to modify their agricultural practices in response to these impacts. The PAAs are prescribed within the Regional Planning Interests Regulation 2014 or within a Regional Plan.
Name: Regional planning interests - priority living area
Display Field: name
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: The identification of Priority Living Areas (PLAs) is intended to provide greater certainty for investment in the development of the region’s urban centres and localities, while still accommodating compatible resource activities to maximise economic development opportunities. PLAs are intended to ensure that the growth potential of these towns, as provided for through a local government planning scheme, are protected from the encroachment of incompatible resource activities. A PLA includes the settlement area (urban residential, business township and mixed use zones and areas for future urban growth), rural residential areas associated with the settlement area, and a two kilometre buffer area around the settlement area. The settlement areas within a PLA include land identified by local governments for long-term urban expansion. However, because not all local governments have comprehensively considered their town growth requirements, and because the growth scenario for a town can change, the boundaries of the PLA shown in Schedule 1 may need to be amended over time. PLAs are proposed to replace existing restricted areas (urban), as gazetted under the Mineral Resources Act 1989in 2011, with the exception of the Toowoomba area within the South East Queensland (SEQ) region. The areas within the SEQ region will be reconsidered as part of the review of the SEQ Regional Plan. The PLAs are prescribed within the Regional Planning Interests Regulation 2014 or within a Regional Plan,
Name: Regional planning interests - strategic environmental area
Display Field: rpitype
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: Identifies the Strategic Environmental Areas(SEA) throughout Queensland. These areas include Cape York Peninsula, the Gulf Country, the Chanel Country, Fraser Island and Hinchinbrook Island. SEAs identify areas where the impact of a prescribed activity will not result in a widespread or irreversible impact on an environmental attribute of a strategic environmental area. The SEAs are prescribed within the Regional Planning Interests Regulation 2014 or within a Regional Plan.
Description: The purpose of ShapingSEQ 2023 is to manage regional growth and change in the most sustainable way to protect and enhance quality of life in the region. This dataset represents the SEQ Development Areas described in the ShapingSEQ 2023.Land within SEQ Development Areas is included in the Urban Footprint and is protected from urban development until such time as State or local government land use and infrastructure planning has been completed in accordance with the Planning Regulation 2017. SEQ Development Areas is a cadastral defined layer based on the November 2023 cadastre.
Service Item Id: 270757b324234ed78ad2efb27c54f5de
Copyright Text: Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning (DSDILGP) 2023.
Name: SEQ northern inter urban break - ShapingSEQ 2023
Display Field: name
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: The SEQ NIUB protects the landscape setting of the heritage-listed Glass House Mountains National Park and water quality of the Ramsar listed wetlands of the Pumicstone Passage and preserves opportunities for agricultural production and forestry, tourism and outdoor recreation. The seven core values of the SEQ NIUB include urban break, water, biodiversity, amenity, culture, prosperity and community. Refer to ShapingSEQ 2023 for further information. Land within the NUB is included in the Regional Landscape and Rural Production Area (RLRPA) and is protected from development in accordance with the Planning Regulation 2017.The SEQ Northern Inter-Urban Break is a cadastral defined layer based on the November 2023 cadastre.
Service Item Id: 270757b324234ed78ad2efb27c54f5de
Copyright Text: Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning (DSDILGP) 2023.
Name: SEQ major enterprise and industrial area - ShapingSEQ 2023
Display Field: meia_name
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: SEQ Major Enterprise and Industrial Areas (MEIA) for ShapingSEQ 2023 and South East Queensland regulatory provisions have been guided by MEIAs points from ShapingSEQ 2017 and derived from a combination of ABS 2021 Meshblocks, Urban Footprint, State Development Areas and industrial land.Industrial land in industry zones within the Major Enterprise and Industrial Areas (MEIA) is protected from specified urban development in accordance with the Planning Regulation 2017.
Service Item Id: 270757b324234ed78ad2efb27c54f5de
Copyright Text: Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning (DSDILGP) 2023.
Description: Publicly owned or managed land that the community generally has a legal right to access. Regional recreation trails also form part of the regional greenspace network.Trails can offer excellent recreation opportunities to families, bicycle tourists, mountain bike riders, historical enthusiasts, horse riders and walkers.Note: Refer to ShapingSEQ’s sub-regional directions for identification of regional greenspace networks.
Service Item Id: 270757b324234ed78ad2efb27c54f5de
Copyright Text: Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning (DSDILGP) 2023.
Name: SEQ regional biodiversity value - ShapingSEQ 2023
Display Field: name
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: Regional biodiversity values have been mapped in SEQ and identify:- large tracts of vegetation- aquatic connectivity- areas of species richness and diversity- areas of ecosystem representation and uniqueness- climate adaptation zones and refugia.These values are critical at a regional level to enable the protection of interacting ecosystem functions and their associated species and diversity. These values are to be investigated and refined by local government for protection as matters of local environment significance (MLES). This is in addition to protecting those areas identified as having MSES. These areas are important as they contribute to an ecologically sound and resilient regional network of habitats and corridors.
Service Item Id: 270757b324234ed78ad2efb27c54f5de
Copyright Text: Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning (DSDILGP) 2023.
Name: SEQ regional land use category - ShapingSEQ 2023
Display Field: rluc2023
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: The purpose of ShapingSEQ 2023 is to manage regional growth and change in the most sustainable way to protect and enhance quality of life in the region. This dataset represents the core land use categories in the Plan including: 1) Regional Landscape and Rural Production Area 2) Urban Footprint 3) Rural Living Area. The dataset is produced from the Digital Cadastral Database (DCDB), sourced from Department of Resources. This includes property parcels, road, railway and watercourse boundaries. Definitions: Regional Landscape and Rural Production Area: is an area that provides important values that help sustain the region socially, economically and environmentally. This area protects the values of this land from encroachment by urban and rural residential development, protects natural assets and regional landscapes, including ensuring their sustainable use and management, and supports development and economic growth of rural communities and industries. Urban Footprint: Identifies land within which the region’s urban development needs will be met in a way consistent with the regional priorities, elements and strategies of ShapingSEQ 2023. Rural Living Area: Identifies areas for consolidated rural residential development in suitable locations providing for housing and lifestyle choice, while limiting the impact of its inefficient use of land on other values, functions and opportunities in a region. The above descriptions are general only. For further information refer to ShapingSEQ 2023, for more detailed definitions.Regional Land Use Categories is a cadastral defined layer based on the January 2023 cadastre.
Service Item Id: 270757b324234ed78ad2efb27c54f5de
Copyright Text: Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning (DSDILGP) 2023.
Description: The State Development areas dataset contains the boundaries of gazetted State Development Areas in Queensland, where the custodian is the Coordinator General. Administrative boundaries only.
Name: Vegetation management coastal and non-coastal bioregion and sub-region
Display Field: name
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: This is the map defining the location of coastal and non-coastal bioregions and sub-regions described in "Module 8. Native Vegetation Clearing" in the State Development Assessment Provisions (SDAP). The coastal bioregions comprise: (1) Brigalow Belt Bioregion sub-regions Townsville Plains (sub-region 11.1), Bogie River Hills (sub-region 11.2), and Marlborough Plains (sub-region 11.14), (2) Central Queensland Coast Bioregion, (3) Cape York Peninsula Bioregion sub-region Starke Coastal Lowlands (sub-region 3.2), (4) Einasleigh Uplands Bioregion sub-region Hodgkinson Basin, (5) Wet Tropics Bioregion, (6) South East Queensland Bioregion. It is derived from the bioregions of Queensland, version 5.0 dataset. Queensland has been divided into 13 bioregions defined in the report 'The Conservation Status of Queensland's Bioregional Ecosystems' (Sattler and Williams 1999). Bioregions represent broad landscape patterns that are the result of the interplay between factors including geology, climate and biota.
Description: This dataset details areas where aerial and ground distribution is regulated in Queensland (regulated areas), as well as those areas where its provisions do not apply at this point in time (excluded (non-regulated) areas). The dataset also describes the three declared hazardous areas in which additional conditions apply to aerial and ground distribution generally and restrictions apply on how a number of volatile chemicals can be used.
Name: Climatic region for stormwater management design objectives
Display Field: regions
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: This dataset identifies the spatial context for climatic regions for stormwater management design objectives, prepared in support of the State Interest for Water Quality.
Description: Coastal management districts are established under the Coastal Protection and Management Act 1995 (Coastal Act). Coastal management districts are also referenced under the Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009 to trigger assessable development and the concurrence referral of certain development application types to the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection.
Description: A coordinated conservation area means an area declared as a coordinated conservation area under section 46 as in force before the commencement of the Nature Conservation and Other Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 2013, section 44.
Description: Wetland locations for Queensland wetlands described in A Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia, 3rd Edition, Environment Australia 2001 by Wetland Inventory Team, Northern Region, EPA. Updated by Resource Assessment Unit, Qld. EPA 2005.
Description: On the 14th August 1997 the Federal and Queensland Governments announced measures to save dugongs in the southern Great Barrier Reef and Hervey Bay regions. Central to these measures was the establishment of a system of dugong protection areas in these regions. The Areas are declared in legislation under the Fisheries Act 1994 and the Queensland Nature Conservation Act 1992. Two types of protection areas were established : Zone A has more stringent controls over netting practices. Foreshore set nets and offshore set and drift nets are prohibited in most Zone A protection areas. In Zone B mesh netting is permitted but with restrictions on the type, size and location of nets, and requirements for attendance at nets. Current March 2002.
Description: This data shows locations associated with environmental authorities (EAs). It was created to assist users in identifying the location described in EAs and which EAs apply to a particular location. The locations are derived from environmental authorities register, here-
Description: Shows geographic areas covered by documents and maps scheduled under Environmental Protection (Water) Policy. Includes links to online documents and maps.
Description: Shows areas of subcatchments as described in Environmental Protection (Water) Policy. Subcatchment areas are used to define environmental values and water quality objectives.
Description: Shows management intent areas as described in Environmental Protection (Water) Policy. Management intent is used to define the level of protection.
Description: The essential habitat map is the map certified by the chief executive as the essential habitat map for the State and showing areas of essential habitat. Essential Habitat is vegetation in which a species that is Endangered or Vulnerable under the Nature Conservation Act (1992) has been known to occur. One of the purposes of the Vegetation Management Act 1999 is to regulate vegetation clearing in a way that prevents the loss of biodiversity. To fulfil this obligation, Vegetation Management within Department of Resources uses the essential habitat map as a tool when assessing vegetation clearing applications to assist in determining whether the vegetation is habitat for Endangered or Vulnerable species. This map is also used to identify essential habitat when assessing clearing in regrowth vegetation areas under the various self-assessable codes identified in the Vegetation Management Act 1999.The Biodiversity Assessment Unit (EHP) provides this information to Vegetation Management as digital spatial layers and as hard copy maps. All data is provided at current best standards for the State. Essential habitat was compiled from two primary sources1. Recognised species habitat models These are habitat models such as cassowary, ground parrot, etc that have been developed by experts. Some of the models have been developed from recent recovery planning activity and some come from application of the Biodiversity Assessment and Mapping Methodology (BAMM).2. Endangered and Vulnerable species habitat based on buffered species records. This concept comes from Criteria A of the BAMM. This criterion classifies areas according to their significance based on the presence of Endangered or Vulnerable taxa. For further information refer to the Technical documentation (ehab_v4_0_tech_doc.doc ).
Description: This dataset represents the designated areas and transit lanes defined in the Marine Parks (Great Sandy) Zoning Plan 2024 (which came into effect 21 May 2024).
Description: This dataset represents version three of the Nature Conservation (Koala) Conservation Plan 2006 and Management Program 2006-2016 (the Koala Plan). Amendments to the mapping were undertaken to reflect changes in land use zones as displayed in the South East Queensland Regional Plan 2005 - 2026 Regulatory Maps (Amendment 1, October 2006). This dataset shows Koala Habitat Areas which are management areas identified in the Koala Plan; and in the SEQ Regional Plan 2005 - 2026. Koala Habitat Areas are statutory areas identified by the SEQ Regional Plan under the Integrated Planning Act 1997, and are referred to as: Koala Conservation Areas; Koala Sustainability Areas; or Urban Koala Areas. The Koala Living Area, which was removed from the dataset in version 2, has now been reinstated. The Koala Living Area does not form part of the Koala Habitat Area due to its non-statutory planning intent. This dataset should be used together with the Koala Plan document, and this document also provides further detail on Koala Habitat Areas, Koala Conservation Areas, Koala Sustainability Areas, Urban Koala Areas and Koala Living Areas. The Koala Habitat Areas, together with the Koala Living Areas dataset supersedes/replaces the dataset associated with the Interim Guideline: Koalas and Development that was released in June 2005. The dataset for the Interim Guideline superseded/replaced the dataset associated with State Planning Policy 1/05: Conservation of Koalas in South East Queensland, which was released in January 2005. The main purpose of the Koala Conservation Plan component of the Koala Plan is to: promote the continued existence of viable koala populations in the wild; prevent the decline of koala habitats, including providing for the rehabilitation of cleared or disturbed koala habitats; and promote future land use and development that is compatible with the survival of koala populations in the wild. The main purpose of the Koala Management Program component of the Koala Plan is to complement the Koala Conservation Plan, by providing policy direction and management approaches to address key threatening processes to koalas. Combined they form a plan outlining a statutory and policy framework for the purpose of conserving koalas in the wild in Queensland.
Description: This layer shows Protected Area (estates) that are matters of state environmental significance (MSES). The information in this layer is derived directly from it's source.
Description: This layer shows Protected Area (nature refuges) that are matters of state environmental significance (MSES), The information in this layer is derived directly from it's source.
Description: MSES is a set of layers representing defined values in the State Planning Policy 2017(SPP)and Environmental Offsets Regulation 2014. MSES are derived from multiple sources to be used for land-use planning and development assessment purposes. Matters of environmental significance is defined by the SPP as:-protected areas (including all classes of protected area except coordinated conservation areas) under the Nature Conservation Act 1992-‘marine national park’, ‘conservation park’, ‘scientific research’, ‘preservation’ or ‘buffer’ zones under the Marine Parks Act 2004-areas within declared fish habitat areas that are management A areas or management B areas under the Fisheries Regulation 2008 -a designated precinct, in a strategic environmental area under the Regional Planning Interests Regulation 2014, schedule 2, part 5, s15(3)-wetlands in a wetland protection area or wetlands of high ecological significance shown on the map of referable wetlands under the Environmental Protection Regulation 2008 -wetlands and watercourses in high ecological value waters identified in the Environmental Protection (Water) Policy 2009, schedule 1 -legally secured offset areas as defined under the Environmental Offsets Act 2014.-threatened wildlife under the Nature Conservation Act 1992and special least concern animals under the Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006 -marine plants under the Fisheries Act 1994 (excluding marine plants in an urban area) -waterways that provide for fish passage under the Fisheries Act 1994(excluding waterways providing for fish passage in an urban area) -High risk area on the flora survey trigger as described by the Environmental offsets Regulation 2014, schedule 2, part6(1)regulated vegetation under the Vegetation Management Act 1999that is: -category B areas on the regulated vegetation management map, that are ‘endangered’ and ‘of concern’ regional ecosystems -category C areas on the regulated vegetation management map that are ‘endangered’ and ‘of concern’ regional ecosystems -category R areas on the regulated vegetation management map -areas of essential habitat on the essential habitat map for an animal that is ‘endangered wildlife’ or ‘vulnerable wildlife’ or a plant that is ‘endangered wildlife’ or ‘vulnerable wildlife’ wildlife prescribed as ‘endangered wildlife’ or ‘vulnerable wildlife’ under the Nature Conservation Act 1992-category A,B,C,R areas that are located within a defined distance8 from the defining banks of a relevant watercourse identified on the vegetation management watercourse and drainage feature map -category A,B,C,R areas that are located within 100 metres from the defining bank of a wetland identified on the vegetation management wetlands map. MSES mapping is viewable to an allotment scale from the SPP Interactive Mapping System (IMS) or the development assessment mapping system (DAMS), available at The mapping data can be obtained for use in a geographic information system (GIS) from the Queensland Spatial Catalogue (QSpatial) at A MSES mapping methodology can also be located online at
Name: MSES Regulated vegetation - category B - endangered or of concern
Display Field: re
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: MSES is a set of layers representing defined values in the State Planning Policy 2017(SPP)and Environmental Offsets Regulation 2014. MSES are derived from multiple sources to be used for land-use planning and development assessment purposes. Matters of environmental significance is defined by the SPP as:-protected areas (including all classes of protected area except coordinated conservation areas) under the Nature Conservation Act 1992-‘marine national park’, ‘conservation park’, ‘scientific research’, ‘preservation’ or ‘buffer’ zones under the Marine Parks Act 2004-areas within declared fish habitat areas that are management A areas or management B areas under the Fisheries Regulation 2008 -a designated precinct, in a strategic environmental area under the Regional Planning Interests Regulation 2014, schedule 2, part 5, s15(3)-wetlands in a wetland protection area or wetlands of high ecological significance shown on the map of referable wetlands under the Environmental Protection Regulation 2008 -wetlands and watercourses in high ecological value waters identified in the Environmental Protection (Water) Policy 2009, schedule 1 -legally secured offset areas as defined under the Environmental Offsets Act 2014.-threatened wildlife under the Nature Conservation Act 1992and special least concern animals under the Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006 -marine plants under the Fisheries Act 1994 (excluding marine plants in an urban area) -waterways that provide for fish passage under the Fisheries Act 1994(excluding waterways providing for fish passage in an urban area) -High risk area on the flora survey trigger as described by the Environmental offsets Regulation 2014, schedule 2, part6(1)regulated vegetation under the Vegetation Management Act 1999that is: -category B areas on the regulated vegetation management map, that are ‘endangered’ and ‘of concern’ regional ecosystems -category C areas on the regulated vegetation management map that are ‘endangered’ and ‘of concern’ regional ecosystems -category R areas on the regulated vegetation management map -areas of essential habitat on the essential habitat map for an animal that is ‘endangered wildlife’ or ‘vulnerable wildlife’ or a plant that is ‘endangered wildlife’ or ‘vulnerable wildlife’ wildlife prescribed as ‘endangered wildlife’ or ‘vulnerable wildlife’ under the Nature Conservation Act 1992-category A,B,C,R areas that are located within a defined distance8 from the defining banks of a relevant watercourse identified on the vegetation management watercourse and drainage feature map -category A,B,C,R areas that are located within 100 metres from the defining bank of a wetland identified on the vegetation management wetlands map. MSES mapping is viewable to an allotment scale from the SPP Interactive Mapping System (IMS) or the development assessment mapping system (DAMS), available at The mapping data can be obtained for use in a geographic information system (GIS) from the Queensland Spatial Catalogue (QSpatial) at A MSES mapping methodology can also be located online at
Name: MSES Regulated vegetation - category C - endangered or of concern
Display Field: re
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: MSES is a set of layers representing defined values in the State Planning Policy 2017(SPP)and Environmental Offsets Regulation 2014. MSES are derived from multiple sources to be used for land-use planning and development assessment purposes. Matters of environmental significance is defined by the SPP as:-protected areas (including all classes of protected area except coordinated conservation areas) under the Nature Conservation Act 1992-‘marine national park’, ‘conservation park’, ‘scientific research’, ‘preservation’ or ‘buffer’ zones under the Marine Parks Act 2004-areas within declared fish habitat areas that are management A areas or management B areas under the Fisheries Regulation 2008 -a designated precinct, in a strategic environmental area under the Regional Planning Interests Regulation 2014, schedule 2, part 5, s15(3)-wetlands in a wetland protection area or wetlands of high ecological significance shown on the map of referable wetlands under the Environmental Protection Regulation 2008 -wetlands and watercourses in high ecological value waters identified in the Environmental Protection (Water) Policy 2009, schedule 1 -legally secured offset areas as defined under the Environmental Offsets Act 2014.-threatened wildlife under the Nature Conservation Act 1992and special least concern animals under the Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006 -marine plants under the Fisheries Act 1994 (excluding marine plants in an urban area) -waterways that provide for fish passage under the Fisheries Act 1994(excluding waterways providing for fish passage in an urban area) -High risk area on the flora survey trigger as described by the Environmental offsets Regulation 2014, schedule 2, part6(1)regulated vegetation under the Vegetation Management Act 1999that is: -category B areas on the regulated vegetation management map, that are ‘endangered’ and ‘of concern’ regional ecosystems -category C areas on the regulated vegetation management map that are ‘endangered’ and ‘of concern’ regional ecosystems -category R areas on the regulated vegetation management map -areas of essential habitat on the essential habitat map for an animal that is ‘endangered wildlife’ or ‘vulnerable wildlife’ or a plant that is ‘endangered wildlife’ or ‘vulnerable wildlife’ wildlife prescribed as ‘endangered wildlife’ or ‘vulnerable wildlife’ under the Nature Conservation Act 1992-category A,B,C,R areas that are located within a defined distance8 from the defining banks of a relevant watercourse identified on the vegetation management watercourse and drainage feature map -category A,B,C,R areas that are located within 100 metres from the defining bank of a wetland identified on the vegetation management wetlands map. MSES mapping is viewable to an allotment scale from the SPP Interactive Mapping System (IMS) or the development assessment mapping system (DAMS), available at The mapping data can be obtained for use in a geographic information system (GIS) from the Queensland Spatial Catalogue (QSpatial) at A MSES mapping methodology can also be located online at
Name: MSES Regulated vegetation - category R - GBR riverine
Display Field: rvm_cat
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: MSES is a set of layers representing defined values in the State Planning Policy 2017(SPP)and Environmental Offsets Regulation 2014. MSES are derived from multiple sources to be used for land-use planning and development assessment purposes. Matters of environmental significance is defined by the SPP as:-protected areas (including all classes of protected area except coordinated conservation areas) under the Nature Conservation Act 1992-‘marine national park’, ‘conservation park’, ‘scientific research’, ‘preservation’ or ‘buffer’ zones under the Marine Parks Act 2004-areas within declared fish habitat areas that are management A areas or management B areas under the Fisheries Regulation 2008 -a designated precinct, in a strategic environmental area under the Regional Planning Interests Regulation 2014, schedule 2, part 5, s15(3)-wetlands in a wetland protection area or wetlands of high ecological significance shown on the map of referable wetlands under the Environmental Protection Regulation 2008 -wetlands and watercourses in high ecological value waters identified in the Environmental Protection (Water) Policy 2009, schedule 1 -legally secured offset areas as defined under the Environmental Offsets Act 2014.-threatened wildlife under the Nature Conservation Act 1992and special least concern animals under the Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006 -marine plants under the Fisheries Act 1994 (excluding marine plants in an urban area) -waterways that provide for fish passage under the Fisheries Act 1994(excluding waterways providing for fish passage in an urban area) -High risk area on the flora survey trigger as described by the Environmental offsets Regulation 2014, schedule 2, part6(1)regulated vegetation under the Vegetation Management Act 1999that is: -category B areas on the regulated vegetation management map, that are ‘endangered’ and ‘of concern’ regional ecosystems -category C areas on the regulated vegetation management map that are ‘endangered’ and ‘of concern’ regional ecosystems -category R areas on the regulated vegetation management map -areas of essential habitat on the essential habitat map for an animal that is ‘endangered wildlife’ or ‘vulnerable wildlife’ or a plant that is ‘endangered wildlife’ or ‘vulnerable wildlife’ wildlife prescribed as ‘endangered wildlife’ or ‘vulnerable wildlife’ under the Nature Conservation Act 1992-category A,B,C,R areas that are located within a defined distance8 from the defining banks of a relevant watercourse identified on the vegetation management watercourse and drainage feature map -category A,B,C,R areas that are located within 100 metres from the defining bank of a wetland identified on the vegetation management wetlands map. MSES mapping is viewable to an allotment scale from the SPP Interactive Mapping System (IMS) or the development assessment mapping system (DAMS), available at The mapping data can be obtained for use in a geographic information system (GIS) from the Queensland Spatial Catalogue (QSpatial) at A MSES mapping methodology can also be located online at
Description: MSES is a set of layers representing defined values in the State Planning Policy 2017(SPP)and Environmental Offsets Regulation 2014. MSES are derived from multiple sources to be used for land-use planning and development assessment purposes. Matters of environmental significance is defined by the SPP as:-protected areas (including all classes of protected area except coordinated conservation areas) under the Nature Conservation Act 1992-‘marine national park’, ‘conservation park’, ‘scientific research’, ‘preservation’ or ‘buffer’ zones under the Marine Parks Act 2004-areas within declared fish habitat areas that are management A areas or management B areas under the Fisheries Regulation 2008 -a designated precinct, in a strategic environmental area under the Regional Planning Interests Regulation 2014, schedule 2, part 5, s15(3)-wetlands in a wetland protection area or wetlands of high ecological significance shown on the map of referable wetlands under the Environmental Protection Regulation 2008 -wetlands and watercourses in high ecological value waters identified in the Environmental Protection (Water) Policy 2009, schedule 1 -legally secured offset areas as defined under the Environmental Offsets Act 2014.-threatened wildlife under the Nature Conservation Act 1992and special least concern animals under the Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006 -marine plants under the Fisheries Act 1994 (excluding marine plants in an urban area) -waterways that provide for fish passage under the Fisheries Act 1994(excluding waterways providing for fish passage in an urban area) -High risk area on the flora survey trigger as described by the Environmental offsets Regulation 2014, schedule 2, part6(1)regulated vegetation under the Vegetation Management Act 1999that is: -category B areas on the regulated vegetation management map, that are ‘endangered’ and ‘of concern’ regional ecosystems -category C areas on the regulated vegetation management map that are ‘endangered’ and ‘of concern’ regional ecosystems -category R areas on the regulated vegetation management map -areas of essential habitat on the essential habitat map for an animal that is ‘endangered wildlife’ or ‘vulnerable wildlife’ or a plant that is ‘endangered wildlife’ or ‘vulnerable wildlife’ wildlife prescribed as ‘endangered wildlife’ or ‘vulnerable wildlife’ under the Nature Conservation Act 1992-category A,B,C,R areas that are located within a defined distance8 from the defining banks of a relevant watercourse identified on the vegetation management watercourse and drainage feature map -category A,B,C,R areas that are located within 100 metres from the defining bank of a wetland identified on the vegetation management wetlands map. MSES mapping is viewable to an allotment scale from the SPP Interactive Mapping System (IMS) or the development assessment mapping system (DAMS), available at The mapping data can be obtained for use in a geographic information system (GIS) from the Queensland Spatial Catalogue (QSpatial) at A MSES mapping methodology can also be located online at
Name: [Deprecated] Moreton Bay broadscale habitat 2008
Display Field: habitat_type
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: **USER NOTICE**: This layer is now Deprecated and will be removed on December 1st, 2024. Please migrate all usage of this layer to the new address prior to the deprecation date. The Moreton Bay habitat model was constructed to help determine if the draft zoning plan met the guiding principles developed by the Expert Advisory Panel.
Description: Nature Refuges are part/s or whole of Lot/s on plan and are gazetted through a voluntary conservation agreement between the QLD government and private land owner/s. They are based in statute and are a recognised class of Protected Area as defined by the Nature Conservation Act, 1992. Nature Refuge boundaries are primarily defined using DCDB parcels, with GPS data collected for partial boundaries. Boundaries following creeks or irregular boundaries are digitised. Relevant boundaries are updated to coincide with the DCDB current at the date of publication using topological rules.
Description: This is the spatial representation of the part of northern Queensland identified as the Asian Honey Bee Known Infested Area, as declared on 22nd June 2016.
Description: The Northern and Southern banana biosecurity zone dataset is the spatial representation of the Northern banana biosecurity zone and Southern banana biosecurity zone as declared under the Biosecurity Act 2014.The Northern banana biosecurity zone is the legislative boundaries where movement restrictions apply to restrict the spread of pests and diseases within the state. It is established as a biosecurity zone for banana pests.The Southern banana biosecurity zone is the legislative boundaries where movement restrictions apply to restrict the spread of pests and diseases within the state. It is established as a biosecurity zone for bunchy top.Additional Information: The Northern Banana Biosecurity Zone along with the Southern Banana Biosecurity Zone replace all Banana pest quarantine areas which were repealed on 1 July 2016 following the introduction of the Biosecurity Act 2014.
Description: The Queensland Cattle Tick Line polyline feature class describes the boundary between the cattle tick free and infested areas as defined in the Biosecurity Regulation 2016 (s 81).The tick line should be used with the cattle tick zone layer for completeness. More information about the tick zones and tick line can be found on the Cattle tick management framework web pages on the Business Queensland website. The cattle tick zones were enacted on 1st July 2016. No amendments have been made.
Description: The Queensland Cattle Tick Zones polygon feature class describes the cattle tick free and infested areas as defined in the Biosecurity Regulation 2016 (s 81).The tick zone should be used with the cattle tick line layer for completeness. More information about the tick zones and tick line can be found on the Cattle tick management framework web pages on the Business Queensland website. The cattle tick zones were enacted on 1st July 2016. No amendments have been made.
Description: The electric ant biosecurity zone dataset is the spatial representation of the electric ant biosecurity zone established under the Biosecurity Act 2014. The electric ant biosecurity zone revoke and replace all previous versions of the electric ant movement control areas and restricted areas in Queensland following the introduction of the Biosecurity Act 2014, 1 July 2016.
Description: The Far Northern Biosecurity Zones dataset is the spatial representation of the Far Northern biosecurity zones as declared under the Biosecurity Act 2014.Far Northern Biosecurity Zone 1 (FNBZ 1) and Far Northern Biosecurity Zone 2 (FNBZ 2) are established as biosecurity zones for each far northern pest. They are the legislative boundaries where movement restrictions apply to restrict the spread of pests and diseases within the state. Additional Information: The Far Northern Biosecurity Zones replace the Far Northern Pest quarantine area and Cape York Peninsula targeted pest quarantine area which were repealed on 1 July 2016 following the introduction of the Biosecurity Act 2014The previous Far Northern Pest quarantine area has been divided into two to give two zones. The Far Northern Biosecurity Zone 1 southern boundary is near the southernmost Heathlands turnoff on the old telegraph track at latitude 11 degrees 49 minutes south. The southern boundary of the Far Northern Biosecurity Zone 2 is the same as the old Far Northern Pest quarantine areas southern boundary near the airport road turnoff, north of Coen, at latitude 13 degrees 45 minutes south.
Description: The fire ant biosecurity zones dataset is the spatial representation of the fire ant biosecurity zones in Queensland where restrictions apply to the movement of material that could spread fire ants.
The fire ant biosecurity zones revoke and replace all previous versions of the red imported fire ant restricted areas in Queensland following the introduction of the Biosecurity Act 2014, 1 July 2016.
Description: The Grape phylloxera biosecurity zone dataset is the spatial representation of the State grape phylloxera exclusion zone and State grape phylloxera risk zone as declared under the Biosecurity Act 2014.The State grape phylloxera exclusion zone and State grape phylloxera risk zone are the legislative boundaries where movement restrictions apply to restrict the spread of pests and diseases within the state. They are established as biosecurity zones for grape phylloxera.Additional Information: The State grape phylloxera exclusion zone and State grape phylloxera risk zone replace all previous State grape phylloxera biosecurity zones which were repealed on 1 July 2016 following the introduction of the Biosecurity Act 2014.
Description: The Papaya ringspot biosecurity zone dataset is the spatial representation of the Papaya ringspot biosecurity zone 1 and Papaya ringspot biosecurity zone 2 as declared under the Biosecurity Act 2014.The Papaya ringspot biosecurity zone 1 is the legislative boundaries where movement restrictions apply to restrict the spread of pests and diseases within the state. It is established as a biosecurity zone for papaya ringspot and papaya ringspot carriers that are plants of the genus Carica.The Papaya ringspot biosecurity zone 2 is the legislative boundaries where movement restrictions apply to restrict the spread of pests and diseases within the state. It is established as a biosecurity zone for papaya ringspot and papaya ringspot carriers that are plants of the family Cucurbitaceae. Additional Information: The Papaya ringspot biosecurity zone 1 and the Papaya ringspot biosecurity zone 2 replace all previous Papaya ringspot pest quarantine areas which were repealed on 1 July 2016 following the introduction of the Biosecurity Act 2014.
Unique Value Renderer: Field 1: ZONE_DESC Field 2: N/A Field 3: N/A Field Delimiter: , Default Symbol:
Default Label: N/A UniqueValueInfos:
Value: Zone for Papaya ringspot and Papaya ringspot carriers of family Cucurbitaceae Label: Zone for Papaya ringspot and Papaya ringspot carriers of family Cucurbitaceae Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Zone for Papaya ringspot and Papaya ringspot carriers of the genus Carica Label: Zone for Papaya ringspot and Papaya ringspot carriers of the genus Carica Description: N/A Symbol:
Description: This linear feature class describes the location of the rabbit fence in south eastern Queensland. It is described under the Biosecurity Act 2014.
Service Item Id: 270757b324234ed78ad2efb27c54f5de
Copyright Text: Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.
Description: The Sugarcane biosecurity zones dataset is the spatial representation of the Sugarcane biosecurity zones 1 to 6 represented by lines at specified Latitude & Longitude then clipped by the Queensland State border to the west and south and Local Government Authority boundaries on the seaward extremities. These boundaries are current as of 29thJune 2016These boundaries are the legislative boundaries where movement restrictions apply to restrict the spread of pests and diseases within the state. Zone 1 and 2 are established as biosecurity zones for the Fiji leaf gall virus(syn. Fiji disease virus); and the Sugarcane striate mosaic-associated virus.Zone 3 is established as a biosecurity zone for the Fiji leaf gall virus(syn. Fiji disease virus) Zone 4 and 5 are established as biosecurity zones for the Fiji leaf gall virus(syn. Fiji disease virus); and the Sugarcane striate mosaic virus(Strain A)Zone 6 is established as a biosecurity zone for the Fiji leaf gall virus(syn. Fiji disease virus); the Sugarcane striate mosaic-associated virus; and the Sugarcane striate mosaic virus(Strain A)Additional informationThe six Sugar cane Biosecurity Zones replace all Sugar cane biosecurity zones which were repealed on 1 July 2016 following the introduction of the Biosecurity Act 2014.
Description: This linear feature class describes the location of the wild dog barrier and check fences. It is described under the Biosecurity Act 2014.
Description: This dataset is the spatial representation of reserves, protected for the conservation of nature while allowing for the involvement of indigenous people in the management of protected areas in which they have an interest under Aboriginal tradition or Island custom and areas managed for the production of forest resources.
Description: The Queensland Heritage Register is a list of places of cultural heritage significance in Queensland. This dataset represents the boundaries of places entered in the register that have been approved by the Queensland Heritage Council. Places that are entered in the Queensland Heritage Register are protected under the provisions of the Queensland Heritage Act 1992.
Description: The Convention on Wetlands of International Importance was the first modern inter-governmental treaty between nations aiming to conserve natural resources. The signing of the Convention took place in 1971 in the small Iranian town of Ramsar (since then, it has taken the common name of the Ramsar Convention). Australia was the first nation to become a Contracting Party to the Convention. The Convention's broad aims are to halt the worldwide loss of wetlands and to conserve, through wise use and management, those that remain. This requires international cooperation, policy making, capacity building and technology transfer. There are 5 Ramsar sites within Queensland (Administrators are shown in brackets): Moreton Bay (Queensland), Bowling Green Bay (Queensland), Currawinya Lakes (Queensland), Shoalwater and Corio Bays (Queensland/ Commonwealth), Great Sandy (Queensland).
Description: A state-wide dataset (WM1229) containing the river improvement areas in force in legislation currently, and listing the corresponding river improvement trust. A trust is a statutory body constituted under the River Improvement Trust Act 1940 to protect and improve rivers, repair and prevent damage to rivers and prevent or mitigate flooding of land by riverine flood. For more information see . WM1229 replaced WM1125 due to the River Improvement Trust Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2014(Subordinate Legislation No. 135) abolishing the Pioneer River Improvement Area [WM1119], effective 1/7/14. Hence WM1229 is equivalent to WM1125, excluding WM1119. (Reference: CAS3059.)
Description: Special Management Areas (SMA) are areas that cover parts of the protected areas of Queensland that have additional constraints on their use.
Name: State planning policy acid sulphate soils trigger area
Display Field: name
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: The State Planning Policy State Interest Water Quality involving Acid Sulphate Soils identifies the local government areas to which the policy applies. This spatial dataset identifies those areas, and replaces previous datasets that were based on obsolete local government areas.
Description: This dataset is the spatial representation of the Queensland waste levy zone as defined under the Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011 and Waste Reduction and Recycling (Waste Levy) Amendment Regulation 2019.The waste levy zone includes 39 out of 77 local government areas. Of these 11 LGA's are considered Metro Zones and 28 are considered Regional Zones.
Description: Wetlands of high ecological significance (HES) identify areas where policies apply under the State Planning Policy 4/11: Protecting Wetlands of High Ecological Significance in Great Barrier Reef Catchments. They are an integral part of wetland protection areas, which are defined in the Environmental Protection Regulation 2008. HES wetlands within the Great Barrier Reef catchments provides the basis for DEHP's concurrence agency role for development involving high impact earthworks within wetland protection areas under the Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009.
Description: The trigger area of wetland protection areas identify where policies apply under the State Planning Policy 4/11: Protecting Wetlands of High Ecological Significance in Great Barrier Reef Catchments. The Department of Environment and Heritage Protection concurrence agency role applies to development involving high impact earthworks within wetland protection areas under the Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009.
Description: Resource management administrative boundaries include boundaries represented in the following services:
Mineral and extractive resource management:
Water resource management:
Name: Agricultural Land Audit - important agricultural area
Display Field: area_name
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: This dataset shows areas of Queensland identified by DAF's Agricultural Land Audit (2013) as being Important Agricultural Areas for the region or at a State-wide level.
Name: Agricultural Land Audit - land class A and B
Display Field: project_code
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: This dataset comprises the ‘best available’ agricultural land class (ALC) data – land classes A and B only with an urban mask applied. This data set is a subset of the state-wide ALC Class A, B, C, D layer and is produced for use in the DSDMIP State Planning Policy interactive mapping system. ALC mapping identifies agricultural land that can be used sustainably for a range of land uses with minimal land degradation. The classes imply a decreasing range of land use choice and an increase in the severity of limitations and/or land degradation hazard.
Description: The Queensland Fisheries 30nm reporting grids is an overlay of 30nm x 30nm grids across Queensland. These grids represent how the commercial fisherman report the location of their daily catch and effort. It covers all of the marine and freshwater Queensland jurisdiction.
Description: The area of State-owned forest managed subject to the requirements of the Australian Standard for Sustainable Forest Management AS 4708-2013
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: MUID, length: 9
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: CLASS, length: 3
, Coded Values:
[RES: State Forest or Timber Reserve]
, [FR: Forest Reserve]
, [OCL: Other Crown Land (leasehold and reserves other than SF, TR or FR]
, ...5 more...
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: LOT, length: 5
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: PLAN, length: 10
Description: The 70 Fish Habitat Areas in this dataset are declared under Schedule 3 - of the Queensland Fisheries Regulations 2008, effective 21 December 2012. This is a composite of ALL Fish Habitat Area boundary areas gazetted/regazetted between 1998-2012. (ALL previous DPI Fish Habitat Reserves digitised in 1996 have now been redrawn/regazetted to a digital format.
Description: A forest consent area is an area where the ownership of the forest products is separate from the ownership of the land. The State retains ownership of the commercial timber on a forest consent area through a forest consent agreement between the State and the landholder which is registered as a profit a prendre on the title of the land.
Description: This is a layer of Forest Entitlement Area (FEA) data for the whole of Queensland. An FEA is a special type of reserve under the Forestry Act 1959 that does not affect the tenure of the underlying land. The right to the forest product associated with the trees in these areas has been retained by the State for commercial reasons despite the underlying tenure. FEAs may be registered over a freeholding lease or freehold title
Description: Spatial information describing forest management units which denotes areas where the State owns the forest products on the land under the Forestry Act 1959 and has a commercial interest in managing the forest products through the Forest Products unit within the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: MUID, length: 9
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: CLASS, length: 3
, Coded Values:
[RES: State Forest or Timber Reserve]
, [FR: Forest Reserve]
, [OCL: Other Crown Land (leasehold and reserves other than SF, TR or FR]
, ...5 more...
Description: Plantation licence: This data set has been prepared to meet the requirements for a Plantation Licence required for the sale of access to Queensland's State Plantation Resources to the Private sector. The creation of a layer representing the boundaries of the plantation licence was in support of the Natural Resources and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2010.
Description: Mining administrative districts and regions only. For full list of mining administrative boundaries refer to:
and for permit administrative boundaries refer to:
Description: This theme depicts the administrative areas (Regions and Mining Districts) for exploration and mining tenures in Queensland, for Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy.
Description: This theme depicts the administrative areas (Regions and Mining Districts) for exploration and mining tenures in Queensland, for Department of Resources.
Description: Protected areas of Queensland represent those areas protected for the conservation of natural and cultural values and those areas managed for production of forest resources, including timber and quarry material. These areas are defined spatially using DCDB (Digital Cadastre Database) parcels.
Name: [Deprecated] Nature and forestry protected area - boundary
Display Field: estatename
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: **USER NOTICE**: This layer is now Deprecated and will be removed on December 1st, 2024. Please migrate all usage of this layer to the Protected areas and forests of Queensland layer in the Environmental management group. The address is: a graphical representation of the protected area and forest estate as managed by QPWS (Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service) for areas managed under the Nature Conservation Act 1992 (National Park of various types, Conservation Park and Resources Reserve), and areas managed under the Forestry Act 1959 (State Forest, Forest Reserve and Timber Reserve).
Name: [Deprecated] Nature and forestry protected area - Special management area
Display Field: name
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: **USER NOTICE**: This layer is now Deprecated and will be removed on December 1st, 2024. Please migrate all usage of this layer to the Special management area - forestry layer in the Environmental management group. The address is: Management Areas (SMA) are areas that cover parts of the protected areas of Queensland that have additional constraints on their use. In many places the boundaries of the SMAs are aligned with the Digital Cadastre Database (DCDB) land parcel while in other locations the boundaries of the SMAs follow the lines of topographic features such as streams, forestry tracks and ridges.
Description: Spatial information describing quarry material management units which denotes quarry resources managed by the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (Forest Products unit) under the Forestry Act 1959.
Description: This dataset is a guide to soil and landscape mapping available throughout Queensland. The extent of each mapping project is shown along with information about the project and links to downloadable documents and datasets. Last updated 4th June 2018.
Description: These datasets represent the Strategic Cropping Land (SCL) zones and subzones to which the zonal criteria apply, and which together define the total areal extent of the SCL policy in Queensland. It also includes validation decisions for applications relating to SCL status determination.
Description: The dataset reflects the spatial extent of the Surat Cumulative Management Area. The area was declared under the Water Act 2000 to aid in identifying and managing overlapping underground water impacts incurred from multiple petroleum tenures.
Description: Water plan areas only. For complete list of water management administrative boundaries refer to
Description: Contains all the water resource plan (WRP) areas in Queensland that are in force in legislation currently, except for the Great Artesian Basin (GAB) WRP area. (For more information see WM1127 replaced WM0924v2 due to the “Water Resource (Burnett Basin) Plan 2014” (Burnett 2014 WRP) coming into force (mapping accuracy improvements were applied for part of the Burnett WRP area). (Reference: CAS1881, 2026.)
Description: The Fishing Ship Operational Area is described in Queensland legislation Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Regulation 2004, Schedule 11. The area has been enabled for the benefit of the seafood and fishing industry by allowing access to this area by small fishing ships meeting legislative and safety requirements.
Description: Maritime Safety Queensland compulsory pilotage areas plotted from Transport Operations(Marine Safety) Act 1994, Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Regulation 2004 - current as at 2 November 2013. Data should be used in conjunction with the Transport Operation (Marine Safety) Act 1994, Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Regulation 2004 - current as at 2 November 2013.
Description: Compulsory pilotage limits plotted from Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Act 1994, Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Regulation 2004 current as at 2 November 2013.Data should be used in conjunction with the Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Act 1994, Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Regulation 2004 current as at 2 November 2013.
Description: Maritime Safety Queensland pilotage areas plotted from Transport Operation (Marine Safety) Act 1994, Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Regulation 2004 - current as at 2 November 2013. Data should be used in conjunction with the Transport Operation (Marine Safety) Act 1994, Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Regulation 2004 - current as at 2 November 2013.
Description: Pilotage limits plotted from Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Act 1994, Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Regulation 2004 current as at 2 November 2013.Data should be used in conjunction with the Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Act 1994, Transport Opeartions (Marine Safety) Regulation 2004 current as at 2 November 2013.
Description: Maritime Safety Queensland port areas plotted from Transport Infrastructure Act 1994, Transport Infrastructure (Ports) Regulation 2005Current as at 25 October 2013. Data should be used in conjunction with the Transport Infrastructure (Ports) Regulation 2005. Schedules 1 and 2.
Description: MSQ regional data showing the limits of the five regions(Brisbane, Gladstone, Mackay, Townsville and Cairns). Each region has one or more operations bases (including a Harbour Master's Office) , and a policy branch in Brisbane. The Gold Coast Area and the Sunshine Coast Area are in Brisbane Region.
Description: The Torres Strait Zone is an area for marine safety described in Queensland legislationTransport Operations (MarineSafety) Regulation 2004. Current as at 1 July 2013.
Description: Under section 11(2)(c)(ii) and section 11 (2)(d)(iii) of the Transport Operations (Passenger Transport) Standard 2010 buses are not permitted to carry standing passengers on a no standing passenger road. A no standing passenger road means a road notified by the chief executive of the Department of Transport and Main Roads, by gazette notice, as a road on which a relevant vehicle that is a bus must not carry standing passengers. Details of the notified no standing passenger roads are contained on the Department of Transport and Main Roads web site.
Description: As part of the School Transport Assistance Scheme (STAS), TMR approves the designated routes for bus operators to transport students to and from school. The School Kilometric Bus Route dataset depicts these routes. There are many different operators and routes throughout the State. Routes are generated by each regional TMR office, and merged to form this dataset.
Description: This layer displays selected road parcels which represent the certified Stock Route Network (SRN) of Queensland. The SRN, defined by Stock Route Management Act 2002, provides pastoralists with a means of moving stock 'on the hoof' around the state as an alternative to trucking. Approximately 72 000 kilometres of Queensland's road network are declared as stock route. The data in this layer is updated nightly from the Stock Route Management System, which is the point of truth for Stock Route data in Queensland. Fields of note include: Stock route ID - the Identifier of the stock route.Classification- The classification of the stock route feature, valid values are PRIMARY, SECONDARY and TERTIARY. Classifications have been assigned to provide an indication of the frequency of use or strategic significance for each route. The classifications are not required by regulation, they have been included to assist local government and State government in prioritising investment, management activities, planning and decisions relating to land tenure. Stock route type - The type of stock route parcel, valid values for this field are ROAD or RESERVE.Segpar - The segment parcel of the Digital Cadastral Database (DCDB) that was used to derive the geometry of the stock route feature. Since most stock route features are roads - there is no DCDB lot plan applicable to the feature.Old stock route ID - previous stock route ID. Start date - date the stock route or reserve was certified to be part of the network or certified as a change to the network. This field was introduced following the passing of the Land and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2023. Stock route parcels that were part of the network prior to this will not have a start date.
Description: A taxi service is a demand responsive passenger transport service in a vehicle of no more than 11 seats (excluding the driver). A taxi service licence authorises the holder to provide a taxi service in a specific area subject to certain conditions. A taxi service licence may be leased, sold or otherwise transferred, but only to an appropriately accredited operator. A taxi service can be hailed by members of the public and may stand for hire in dedicated taxi ranks. In 20 taxi service areas in Queensland, legislation prescribes that taxis must have access to a continuously operating dispatch service for the purpose of receiving bookings. This dataset shows these 20 contracted areas in Queensland.