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Item Information

snippet: Inland watercourses and water bodies used in the Queensland Globe application.
summary: Inland watercourses and water bodies used in the Queensland Globe application.
extent: [[137.0050105,-29.9012485],[153.638727,-9.14120300000002]]
accessInformation: © State of Queensland (Department of Resources) 2023
_ssl: true
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: **USER NOTICE**: This resource is now deprecated and will be decommissioned on September 19th, 2024, after which this service will no longer be available at this address. A replacement service is now available and ready to use at the following location: Please ensure that all of your usage of this service has been migrated to the new address and tested successfully prior to this date. If there are any issues or concerns, please contact This service displays inland water features of interest to most Queensland Globe users. They are aimed at informing the user if a lake, reservoir, canal, watercourse, dam, rockpool or rockhole, waterhole, waterfall, flat, swamp or pondage area is present at their location of interest. The information display at relevant scale levels from the extent of Queensland through to land parcel level.
licenseInfo: © State of Queensland (Department of Resources) 2023[![Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International Logo](]( This service is licenced under a [Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International]( licence.Attribution is requested in the following manner: © State of Queensland (Department of Resources) 2023.
title: Watercourses and bodies (cached)
type: Map Service
tags: ["lake","reservoir","canal","watercourse","coastline"]
culture: en-AU
name: WaterCoursesAndBodiesCache
guid: 850810DA-CB61-4040-8AA7-2E331845BBC3
minScale: 0
spatialReference: WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere