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GeoscientificInformation/SoilsAndLandResource (MapServer)

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Service Description:

This map service contains all soil and land resource mapping currently available for Queensland, which is maintained by the Department of Natural Resource Mines and Energy and the Department of Environment and Science. The service contains soil site data and soil polygon mapping data which is represented as four main types: soil, land management manual, land system and land degradation mapping (including acid sulfate soil mapping). Links to site description data and land suitability reports are also available via this service. For further information, please contact

This service provides access to the following spatial datasets:

Map Name: SoilAndLandResource


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Layers: Description: This map service contains all soil and land resource mapping currently available for Queensland, which is maintained by the Department of Natural Resource Mines and Energy and the Department of Environment and Science. The service contains soil site data and soil polygon mapping data which is represented as four main types: soil, land management manual, land system and land degradation mapping (including acid sulfate soil mapping). Links to site description data and land suitability reports are also available via this service. For further information, please contact This service provides access to the following spatial datasets: * _Agricultural land classification [ALC]\Agricultural land class: A; B; C; D_ (slr.qld_soils_alc_current/slr.qld_lan_alc_current) * _Soil conservation plans\Affected property_ (slr.qld_soils_misc/slr.qld_soil_conservation_plans) * _Soil conservation plans\Non-statutory plans_ (slr.qld_soils_misc/slr.qld_soil_conservation_plans) * _Soil conservation plans\Project plans_ (slr.qld_soils_misc/slr.qld_soil_conservation_plans) * _Soil conservation plans\Property plans_ (slr.qld_soils_misc/slr.qld_soil_conservation_plans) * _Soil conservation plans\Upper Condamine floodplain plans\Workshop identified concern points_ (slr.qld_soils_misc/slr.qld_condamine_fp_concern_sites) * _Soil conservation plans\Upper Condamine floodplain plans\Natural flowlines_ (slr.qld_soils_misc/slr.qld_condamine_fp_flowline_ntrl) * _Soil conservation plans\Upper Condamine floodplain plans\1996 flood flowlines_ (slr.qld_soils_misc/slr.qld_condamine_fp_flowline_1996) * _Soil conservation plans\Upper Condamine floodplain plans\Floodplain contours_ (slr.qld_soils_misc/slr.qld_condamine_fp_contours) * _Soil conservation plans\Upper Condamine floodplain plans\Project areas_ (slr.qld_soils_misc/slr.qld_condamine_floodplain_plans) * _Soils\Soil mapping sites\Soil sites_ (slr.qld_lan_soil_sites_p) * _Soils\Soil mapping sites\Soil surface carbon sites_ (slr.qld_soil_surface_carbon_sites) * _Soils\Best available soil and land resource mapping\Best available polygon mapping\Project boundaries best available polygon mapping_ (slr.qld_soils_best_available_polygons/slr.qld_best_avl_proj_boundaries) * _Soils\Best available soil and land resource mapping\Best available polygon mapping\Project polygons best available polygon mapping_ (slr.qld_soils_best_available_polygons/slr.qld_best_avl_soil_poly_data) * _Soils\Best available soil and land resource mapping\Australian soil classification [ASC]_ (slr.qld_soils_best_available_polygons/slr.qld_best_avl_soil_poly_data) * _Soils\Soil mapping\Soils - 1:10 000 scale\Project boundaries soils - 1:10 000 scale_ (slr.qld_soils_misc/slr.qld_lan_sali_proj_boundaries) * _Soils\Soil mapping\Soils - 1:10 000 scale\Project polygons soils - 1:10 000 scale_ (slr.qld_soils_services/slr.qld_soils_maps_soils_rs_xk_a) * _Soils\Soil mapping\Soils - 1:25 000 scale\Project boundaries soils - 1:25 000 scale_ (slr.qld_soils_misc/slr.qld_lan_sali_proj_boundaries) * _Soils\Soil mapping\Soils - 1:25 000 scale\Project polygons soils - 1:25 000 scale_ (slr.qld_soils_services/slr.qld_soils_maps_soils_25k_a) * _Soils\Soil mapping\Soils - 1:50 000 scale\Project boundaries soils - 1:50 000 scale_ (slr.qld_soils_misc/slr.qld_lan_sali_proj_boundaries) * _Soils\Soil mapping\Soils - 1:50 000 scale\Project polygons soils - 1:50 000 scale_ (slr.qld_soils_services/slr.qld_soils_maps_soils_50k_a) * _Soils\Soil mapping\Soils - 1:100 000 scale\Project boundaries soils - 1:100 000 scale_ (slr.qld_soils_misc/slr.qld_lan_sali_proj_boundaries) * _Soils\Soil mapping\Soils - 1:100 000 scale\Project polygons soils - 1:100 000 scale_ (slr.qld_soils_services/slr.qld_soils_maps_soils_100k_a) * _Soils\Soil mapping\Soils - 1:250 000 scale\Project boundaries soils - 1:250 000 scale_ (slr.qld_soils_misc/slr.qld_lan_sali_proj_boundaries) * _Soils\Soil mapping\Soils - 1:250 000 scale\Project polygons soils - 1:250 000 scale_ (slr.qld_soils_services/slr.qld_soils_maps_soils_250k_a) * _Soils\Soil mapping\Soils - 1:1 000 000 scale\Project boundaries soils - 1:1 000 000 scale_ (slr.qld_soils_misc/slr.qld_lan_sali_proj_boundaries) * _Soils\Soil mapping\Soils - 1:1 000 000 scale\Project polygons soils - 1:1 000 000 scale_ (slr.qld_soils_services/slr.qld_soils_maps_soils_1m_a) * _Soils\Soil mapping\Atlas of Australian Soils Queensland - 1:2 000 000\Project boundaries ATLAS - 1:2 000 000 scale_ (slr.qld_soils_misc/slr.qld_lan_sali_proj_boundaries) * _Soils\Soil mapping\Atlas of Australian Soils Queensland - 1:2 000 000\Project polygons ATLAS - 1:2 000 000 scale_ (slr.qld_lan_atlas_2m_a) * _Soils\Land management manual mapping\Project boundaries land management manual mapping_ (slr.qld_soils_misc/slr.qld_lan_sali_proj_boundaries) * _Soils\Land management manual mapping\Project polygons land management manual mapping_ (slr.qld_soils_services/slr.qld_soils_maps_lmfm_xk_a) * _Soils\Other land resource mapping\Other land resource mapping - better than 1:250 000 scale\Project boundaries other land resource mapping better than 1:250 000 scale_ (slr.qld_soils_misc/slr.qld_lan_sali_proj_boundaries) * _Soils\Other land resource mapping\Other land resource mapping - better than 1:250 000 scale\Project polygons Land Systems - better than 1:250 000 scale_ (slr.qld_soils_services/slr.qld_soils_maps_lsys_xk_a) * _Soils\Other land resource mapping\Other land resource mapping - better than 1:250 000 scale\Project polygons Land Resource Areas - better than 1:250 000 scale_ (slr.qld_soils_services/slr.qld_soils_maps_lra_xk_a) * _Soils\Other land resource mapping\Other land resource mapping - 1:250 000 scale\Project boundaries other land resource mapping 1:250 000 scale_ (slr.qld_soils_misc/slr.qld_lan_sali_proj_boundaries) * _Soils\Other land resource mapping\Other land resource mapping - 1:250 000 scale\Project polygons Land Systems - 1:250 000 scale_ (slr.qld_soils_services/slr.qld_soils_maps_lsys_250k_a) * _Soils\Other land resource mapping\Other land resource mapping - 1:500 000 scale\Project boundaries other land resource mapping 1:500 000 scale_ (slr.qld_soils_misc/slr.qld_lan_sali_proj_boundaries) * _Soils\Other land resource mapping\Other land resource mapping - 1:500 000 scale\Project polygons Land Systems - 1:500 000 scale_ (slr.qld_soils_services/slr.qld_soils_maps_lsys_500k_a) * _Soils\Other land resource mapping\Other land resource mapping - 1:1 000 000 scale\Project boundaries other land resource mapping 1:1 000 000 scale_ (slr.qld_soils_misc/slr.qld_lan_sali_proj_boundaries) * _Soils\Other land resource mapping\Other land resource mapping - 1:1 000 000 scale\Project polygons Land Systems - 1:1 000 000 scale_ (slr.qld_soils_services/slr.qld_soils_maps_lsys_1m_a) * _Soils\Land degradation\Acid sulfate soils mapping\Acid sulfate soils - 1:25 000 scale\Project boundaries acid sulfate soils - 1:25 000 scale_ (slr.qld_soils_misc/slr.qld_lan_sali_proj_boundaries) * _Soils\Land degradation\Acid sulfate soils mapping\Acid sulfate soils - 1:25 000 scale\Project polygons acid sulfate soils - 1:25 000 scale_ (slr.qld_soils_services/slr.qld_soils_maps_ass_25k_a) * _Soils\Land degradation\Acid sulfate soils mapping\Acid sulfate soils - 1:50 000 scale\Project boundaries acid sulfate soils - 1:50 000 scale_ (slr.qld_soils_misc/slr.qld_lan_sali_proj_boundaries) * _Soils\Land degradation\Acid sulfate soils mapping\Acid sulfate soils - 1:50 000 scale\Project polygons acid sulfate soils - 1:50 000 scale_ (slr.qld_soils_services/slr.qld_soils_maps_ass_50k_a) * _Soils\Land degradation\Acid sulfate soils mapping\Acid sulfate soils - 1:100 000 scale\Project boundaries acid sulfate soils - 1:100 000 scale_ (slr.qld_soils_misc/slr.qld_lan_sali_proj_boundaries) * _Soils\Land degradation\Acid sulfate soils mapping\Acid sulfate soils - 1:100 000 scale\Project polygons acid sulfate soils - 1:100 000 scale_ (slr.qld_soils_services/slr.qld_soils_maps_ass_100k_a) * _Soils\Land degradation\Acid sulfate soils mapping\Acid sulfate soils - National scale\Project boundary acid sulfate soils - National scale_ (slr.qld_soils_misc/slr.qld_lan_national_ass_boundary) * _Soils\Land degradation\Acid sulfate soils mapping\Acid sulfate soils - National scale\Project polygons acid sulfate soils - National scale_ (slr.qld_soils_services/slr.qld_soils_maps_ass_nat_a) * _Soils\Land degradation\Erosion\Gully erosion sites_ (slr.qld_soils_land_degradation/slr.qld_gully_erosion_sites) * _Soils\Land degradation\Erosion\Gully and channel erosion density\Project boundary gully density mapping_ (slr.qld_soils_land_degradation/slr.qld_gully_project_extent) * _Soils\Land degradation\Erosion\Gully and channel erosion density\Project polygons gully density mapping_ (slr.qld_soils_land_degradation/slr.qld_gully_erosion_density) * _Soils\Land degradation\Erosion\Gully and channel erosion presence\Burdekin region\Project boundary gully presence mapping- Burdekin_ (slr.qld_soils_land_degradation/slr.qld_gully_project_extent) * _Soils\Land degradation\Erosion\Gully and channel erosion presence\Burdekin region\Project polygons gully presence mapping- Burdekin_ (slr.qld_soils_land_degradation/slr.qld_gully_erosion_presence_bu) * _Soils\Land degradation\Erosion\Gully and channel erosion presence\Burnett Mary region\Project boundary gully presence mapping- Burnett Mary_ (slr.qld_soils_land_degradation/slr.qld_gully_project_extent) * _Soils\Land degradation\Erosion\Gully and channel erosion presence\Burnett Mary region\Project polygons gully presence mapping- Burnett Mary_ (slr.qld_soils_land_degradation/slr.qld_gully_erosion_presence_bm) * _Soils\Land degradation\Erosion\Gully and channel erosion presence\Cape York region\Project boundary gully presence mapping- Cape York_ (slr.qld_soils_land_degradation/slr.qld_gully_project_extent) * _Soils\Land degradation\Erosion\Gully and channel erosion presence\Cape York region\Project polygons gully presence mapping- Cape York_ (slr.qld_soils_land_degradation/slr.qld_gully_erosion_presence_cy) * _Soils\Land degradation\Erosion\Gully and channel erosion presence\Fitzroy region\Project boundary gully presence mapping- Fitzroy_ (slr.qld_soils_land_degradation/slr.qld_gully_project_extent) * _Soils\Land degradation\Erosion\Gully and channel erosion presence\Fitzroy region\Project polygons gully presence mapping- Fitzroy_ (slr.qld_soils_land_degradation/slr.qld_gully_erosion_presence_fi) * _Soils\Land degradation\Erosion\Gully and channel erosion presence\Mackay Whitsunday\Project boundary gully presence mapping- Mackay Whitsunday_ (slr.qld_soils_land_degradation/slr.qld_gully_project_extent) * _Soils\Land degradation\Erosion\Gully and channel erosion presence\Mackay Whitsunday\Project polygons gully presence mapping- Mackay Whitsunday_ (slr.qld_soils_land_degradation/slr.qld_gully_erosion_presence_mw) * _Soils\Land degradation\Erosion\Gully and channel erosion presence\Wet Tropics\Project boundary gully presence mapping- Wet Tropics_ (slr.qld_soils_land_degradation/slr.qld_gully_project_extent) * _Soils\Land degradation\Erosion\Gully and channel erosion presence\Wet Tropics\Project polygons gully presence mapping- Wet Tropics_ (slr.qld_soils_land_degradation/slr.qld_gully_erosion_presence_wt) * _Soils\Land degradation\Erosion\Land degradation mapping\Land degradation mapping- landslips_ (slr.qld_soils_land_degradation/slr.qld_land_degradation_landslips) * _Soils\Land degradation\Erosion\Land degradation mapping\Land degradation mapping- gullies_ (slr.qld_soils_land_degradation/slr.qld_land_degradation_gullies) * _Soils\Land degradation\Erosion\Land degradation mapping\Land degradation mapping polygons\Project boundaries land degradation mapping_ (slr.qld_soils_misc/slr.qld_lan_sali_proj_boundaries) * _Soils\Land degradation\Erosion\Land degradation mapping\Land degradation mapping polygons\Project polygons land degradation mapping_ (slr.qld_soils_land_degradation/slr.qld_land_degradation_mapping)

Service Item Id: 25e0cb66a9de4d51b1687527ace937e9

Copyright Text: © State of Queensland (Department of Environment and Science) 2021

Spatial Reference: 4283  (4283)

Single Fused Map Cache: false

Initial Extent: Full Extent: Units: esriDecimalDegrees


Document Info: Supports Dynamic Layers: true

MaxRecordCount: 2000

MaxImageHeight: 4320

MaxImageWidth: 7680

Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF

Supports Query Data Elements: true

Min Scale: 0

Max Scale: 0

Supports Datum Transformation: true

Child Resources:   Info   Dynamic Layer

Supported Operations:   Export Map   Identify   QueryLegends   QueryDomains   Find   Return Updates   Generate KML