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Item Information

snippet: Information about vegetation management activities within Queensland
summary: Information about vegetation management activities within Queensland
extent: [[137.993377,-29.179265976],[153.577907805,-9.06721732252061]]
accessInformation: © State of Queensland (Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Manufacturing and Regional and Rural Development) 2024
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: Provides information about vegetation management activities within Queensland for landholders. This service provides access to the following spatial datasets: * _Vegetation management information\Vegetation management watercourse and drainage map\VM watercourse/drainage - 1:25 000_ (vegmgt.qld_veg_watercourse_25k_cur) * _Vegetation management information\Vegetation management watercourse and drainage map\VM watercourse/drainage feature - 1:100 000 and 1:250 000_ (vegmgt.qld_veg_watercourse_100k_cur) * _Vegetation management information\Vegetation management wetlands map_ (vegmgt.qld_veg_wetland_100k_cur) * _Vegetation management information\Essential habitat map_ (vegmgt.qld_veg_ehab_code_noattrib_cur) * _Vegetation management information\Regulated vegetation management map [RVM]\RVM category A - vegetation offsets; compliance notices; VDecs_ (vegmgt.qld_veg_rvm_100k_cur) * _Vegetation management information\Regulated vegetation management map [RVM]\RVM category B - remnant vegetation_ (vegmgt.qld_veg_rvm_100k_cur) * _Vegetation management information\Regulated vegetation management map [RVM]\RVM category C - high-value regrowth vegetation_ (vegmgt.qld_veg_rvm_100k_cur) * _Vegetation management information\Regulated vegetation management map [RVM]\RVM category R - reef-regrowth watercourse vegetation_ (vegmgt.qld_veg_rvm_100k_cur) * _Vegetation management information\Regulated vegetation management map [RVM]\RVM category X - exempt clearing work on Freehold/Indigenous/Leasehold land_ (vegmgt.qld_veg_rvm_100k_cur) * _Vegetation management information\Regulated vegetation management map [RVM]\RVM water_ (vegmgt.qld_veg_rvm_100k_cur) * _Vegetation management information\Regulated vegetation management map [RVM]\RVM area not categorised_ (vegmgt.qld_veg_rvm_100k_cur) * _Vegetation management information\Regulated vegetation management map [RVM]\RVM - all_ (vegmgt.qld_veg_rvm_100k_cur) * _Vegetation management information\Vegetation management regional ecosystem map labels_ (vegmgt.qld_veg_rvmre_code_cur) * _Vegetation management information\Vegetation management regional ecosystem map\Category A or B area containing endangered_ (vegmgt.qld_veg_rvmre_code_cur) * _Vegetation management information\Vegetation management regional ecosystem map\Category A or B area containing of concern_ (vegmgt.qld_veg_rvmre_code_cur) * _Vegetation management information\Vegetation management regional ecosystem map\Category A or B area that is least concern_ (vegmgt.qld_veg_rvmre_code_cur) * _Vegetation management information\Vegetation management regional ecosystem map\Category C or R area containing endangered_ (vegmgt.qld_veg_rvmre_code_cur) * _Vegetation management information\Vegetation management regional ecosystem map\Category C or R area containing of concern_ (vegmgt.qld_veg_rvmre_code_cur) * _Vegetation management information\Vegetation management regional ecosystem map\Category C or R area that is of least concern_ (vegmgt.qld_veg_rvmre_code_cur) * _Vegetation management information\Vegetation management regional ecosystem map\Water_ (vegmgt.qld_veg_rvmre_code_cur) * _Vegetation management information\Vegetation management regional ecosystem map\Non-remnant_ (vegmgt.qld_veg_rvmre_code_cur) * _Vegetation management information\Vegetation management regional ecosystem map\Vegetation management regional ecosystem - all_ (vegmgt.qld_veg_rvmre_code_cur) * _Vegetation management information\Property map of assessable vegetation [PMAV]\PMAV category A_ (vegmgt.qld_veg_pmav_cur) * _Vegetation management information\Property map of assessable vegetation [PMAV]\PMAV category B_ (vegmgt.qld_veg_pmav_cur) * _Vegetation management information\Property map of assessable vegetation [PMAV]\PMAV category C_ (vegmgt.qld_veg_pmav_cur) * _Vegetation management information\Property map of assessable vegetation [PMAV]\PMAV category R_ (vegmgt.qld_veg_pmav_cur) * _Vegetation management information\Property map of assessable vegetation [PMAV]\PMAV category X_ (vegmgt.qld_veg_pmav_cur) * _Vegetation management information\Property map of assessable vegetation [PMAV]\PMAV - all_ (vegmgt.qld_veg_pmav_cur) * _Vegetation management information\Pre-clear regional ecosystems_ (vegmgt.qld_veg_preclear_100k_current) * _Vegetation management information\Vegetation management coastal and non-coastal bioregions and sub-regions map_ (vegmgt.qld_veg_regmgmtplan_100k_cur) * _Vegetation management information\Zone boundaries_ (vegmgt.qld_strategic_cropping_land/vegmgt.qld_sclzones_250k_cur) * _Vegetation management information\SCL trigger map_ (vegmgt.qld_strategic_cropping_land/vegmgt.qld_scltrigger_250k_cur) * _Vegetation management information\Sub zones for strategic cropping land mitigation rates\Coastal Queensland_ (vegmgt.qld_strategic_cropping_land/vegmgt.qld_sclsubzones_250k_cur) * _Vegetation management information\Sub zones for strategic cropping land mitigation rates\Western cropping_ (vegmgt.qld_strategic_cropping_land/vegmgt.qld_sclsubzones_250k_cur) * _Nature conservation information\Protected plants trigger map_ (envbat.qld_nca_protplants_triggermap)
licenseInfo: © State of Queensland (Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Manufacturing and Regional and Rural Development) 2024 [![Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International Logo](]( This service is licenced under a [Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International]( licence. Attribution is requested in the following manner: © State of Queensland (Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Manufacturing and Regional and Rural Development) 2024.
title: Vegetation management
type: Map Service
tags: ["Vegetation","Environment"]
culture: en-AU
name: VegetationManagement
guid: F478D8B9-96D7-46B5-96E8-449E7ED5B8C3
minScale: 0
spatialReference: WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere