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Legend (Biota/RegionalEcosystemMapping)

Biodiversity status - preclear (1)
Endangered - Dominant vegetation Endangered - Dominant vegetation
Endangered - Sub-dominant Endangered - Sub-dominant
Of Concern - Dominant Of Concern - Dominant
Of Concern - Sub-dominant Of Concern - Sub-dominant
No concern at present No concern at present
Estuary, ocean Estuary, ocean
Biodiversity status - remnant (2)
Endangered - Dominant vegetation Endangered - Dominant vegetation
Endangered - Sub-dominant Endangered - Sub-dominant
Of Concern - Dominant Of Concern - Dominant
Of Concern - Sub-dominant Of Concern - Sub-dominant
No concern at present No concern at present
Non-remnant vegetation, cultivated or built environment Non-remnant vegetation, cultivated or built environment
Plantation Plantation
Water Water
Landzone - preclear (3)
1. Quaternary marine deposits 1. Quaternary marine deposits
2. Quaternary coastal dunes and beaches 2. Quaternary coastal dunes and beaches
3. Cainozoic alluvial plains and piedmont fans 3. Cainozoic alluvial plains and piedmont fans
4. Cainozoic clay deposits, gently undulating plains 4. Cainozoic clay deposits, gently undulating plains
5. Cainozoic sand deposits, extensive flat or gently undulating plains 5. Cainozoic sand deposits, extensive flat or gently undulating plains
6. Cainozoic inland dunefields 6. Cainozoic inland dunefields
7. Cainozoic duricrusts formed on a variety of rock types 7. Cainozoic duricrusts formed on a variety of rock types
8. Cainozoic igneous rocks, floood basalts forming extensive plains and occasional low scarps 8. Cainozoic igneous rocks, floood basalts forming extensive plains and occasional low scarps
9. Cainozoic/Proterozoic consolidated fine grained sediments 9. Cainozoic/Proterozoic consolidated fine grained sediments
10. Cainozoic/Proterozoic consolidated medium to coarse grained sediments 10. Cainozoic/Proterozoic consolidated medium to coarse grained sediments
9-10. Cainozoic/Proterozoic consolidated sediments (SEQ) 9-10. Cainozoic/Proterozoic consolidated sediments (SEQ)
11. Mesozoic/Proterozoic metamorphosed sediments and interbedded volcanics 11. Mesozoic/Proterozoic metamorphosed sediments and interbedded volcanics
12. Mesozoic/Proterozoic igneous rocks 12. Mesozoic/Proterozoic igneous rocks
Landzone - remnant (4)
1. Quaternary marine deposits 1. Quaternary marine deposits
2. Quaternary coastal dunes and beaches 2. Quaternary coastal dunes and beaches
3. Cainozoic alluvial plains and piedmont fans 3. Cainozoic alluvial plains and piedmont fans
4. Cainozoic clay deposits, gently undulating plains 4. Cainozoic clay deposits, gently undulating plains
5. Cainozoic sand deposits, extensive flat or gently undulating plains 5. Cainozoic sand deposits, extensive flat or gently undulating plains
6. Cainozoic inland dunefields 6. Cainozoic inland dunefields
7. Cainozoic duricrusts formed on a variety of rock types 7. Cainozoic duricrusts formed on a variety of rock types
8. Cainozoic igneous rocks, floood basalts forming extensive plains and occasional low scarps 8. Cainozoic igneous rocks, floood basalts forming extensive plains and occasional low scarps
9. Cainozoic/Proterozoic consolidated fine grained sediments 9. Cainozoic/Proterozoic consolidated fine grained sediments
10. Cainozoic/Proterozoic consolidated medium to coarse grained sediments 10. Cainozoic/Proterozoic consolidated medium to coarse grained sediments
9-10. Cainozoic/Proterozoic consolidated sediments (SEQ) 9-10. Cainozoic/Proterozoic consolidated sediments (SEQ)
11. Mesozoic/Proterozoic metamorphosed sediments and interbedded volcanics 11. Mesozoic/Proterozoic metamorphosed sediments and interbedded volcanics
12. Mesozoic/Proterozoic igneous rocks 12. Mesozoic/Proterozoic igneous rocks
Pre-clearing BVG - 1:1 million (6)
water water
estuary estuary
sand sand
1a 1a
1b 1b
2a 2a
2b 2b
2c 2c
2d 2d
3a 3a
4a 4a
4b 4b
5a 5a
5b 5b
5c 5c
5d 5d
6a 6a
6b 6b
7a 7a
7b 7b
8a 8a
8b 8b
9a 9a
9b 9b
9c 9c
9d 9d
9e 9e
9f 9f
9g 9g
9h 9h
10a 10a
10b 10b
11a 11a
11b 11b
11c 11c
12a 12a
12b 12b
13a 13a
13b 13b
13c 13c
13d 13d
14a 14a
14b 14b
14c 14c
14d 14d
15a 15a
15b 15b
16a 16a
16b 16b
16c 16c
16d 16d
17a 17a
17b 17b
17c 17c
18a 18a
18b 18b
18c 18c
18d 18d
19a 19a
19b 19b
19c 19c
19d 19d
20a 20a
21a 21a
21b 21b
22a 22a
22b 22b
22c 22c
23a 23a
23b 23b
24a 24a
24b 24b
25a 25a
26a 26a
27a 27a
27b 27b
27c 27c
28a 28a
28b 28b
28c 28c
28d 28d
28e 28e
29a 29a
29b 29b
30a 30a
30b 30b
31a 31a
31b 31b
32a 32a
32b 32b
33a 33a
33b 33b
34a 34a
34b 34b
34c 34c
34d 34d
34e 34e
34f 34f
34g 34g
35a 35a
35b 35b
Remnant BVG - 1:1 million (7)
non-remnant non-remnant
water water
estuary estuary
sand sand
small remnant small remnant
1a 1a
1b 1b
2a 2a
2b 2b
2c 2c
2d 2d
3a 3a
4a 4a
4b 4b
5a 5a
5b 5b
5c 5c
5d 5d
6a 6a
6b 6b
7a 7a
7b 7b
8a 8a
8b 8b
9a 9a
9b 9b
9c 9c
9d 9d
9e 9e
9f 9f
9g 9g
9h 9h
10a 10a
10b 10b
11a 11a
11b 11b
11c 11c
12a 12a
12b 12b
13a 13a
13b 13b
13c 13c
13d 13d
14a 14a
14b 14b
14c 14c
14d 14d
15a 15a
15b 15b
16a 16a
16b 16b
16c 16c
16d 16d
17a 17a
17b 17b
17c 17c
18a 18a
18b 18b
18c 18c
18d 18d
19a 19a
19b 19b
19c 19c
19d 19d
20a 20a
21a 21a
21b 21b
22a 22a
22b 22b
22c 22c
23a 23a
23b 23b
24a 24a
24b 24b
25a 25a
26a 26a
27a 27a
27b 27b
27c 27c
28a 28a
28b 28b
28c 28c
28d 28d
28e 28e
29a 29a
29b 29b
30a 30a
30b 30b
31a 31a
31b 31b
32a 32a
32b 32b
33a 33a
33b 33b
34a 34a
34b 34b
34c 34c
34d 34d
34e 34e
34f 34f
34g 34g
35a 35a
35b 35b
Pre-clearing BVG - 1:2 million (8)
 1. Complex mesophyll to notophyll vine forests of the Wet Tropics bioregion 1. Complex mesophyll to notophyll vine forests of the Wet Tropics bioregion
 2. Complex to simple, semi-deciduous mesophyll to notophyll vine forest, sometimes with Araucaria cunninghamii (hoop pine) 2. Complex to simple, semi-deciduous mesophyll to notophyll vine forest, sometimes with Araucaria cunninghamii (hoop pine)
 3. Notophyll vine forest/ thicket (sometimes with sclerophyll and/or Araucarian emergents) on coastal dunes and sandmasses 3. Notophyll vine forest/ thicket (sometimes with sclerophyll and/or Araucarian emergents) on coastal dunes and sandmasses
 4. Notophyll and mesophyll vine forest with feather or fan palms on alluvia, along streamlines and in swamps on ranges or within coastal sandmasses 4. Notophyll and mesophyll vine forest with feather or fan palms on alluvia, along streamlines and in swamps on ranges or within coastal sandmasses
 5. Notophyll to microphyll vine forests, frequently with Araucaria spp. or Agathis spp. (kauri pines) 5. Notophyll to microphyll vine forests, frequently with Araucaria spp. or Agathis spp. (kauri pines)
 6. Notophyll vine forest and microphyll fern forest to thicket on high peaks and plateaus 6. Notophyll vine forest and microphyll fern forest to thicket on high peaks and plateaus
 7. Semi-evergreen to deciduous microphyll vine thicket 7. Semi-evergreen to deciduous microphyll vine thicket
 8. Wet eucalypt tall open forest on uplands and alluvia 8. Wet eucalypt tall open forest on uplands and alluvia
 9. Moist to dry eucalypt open forests to woodlands usually on coastal lowlands and ranges 9. Moist to dry eucalypt open forests to woodlands usually on coastal lowlands and ranges
10. Corymbia citriodora (spotted gum) dominated open forests to woodlands on undulating to hilly terrain 10. Corymbia citriodora (spotted gum) dominated open forests to woodlands on undulating to hilly terrain
11. Moist to dry eucalypt open forests to woodlands mainly on basalt areas 11. Moist to dry eucalypt open forests to woodlands mainly on basalt areas
12. Dry eucalypt woodlands to open woodlands, mostly on shallow soils in hilly terrain (mainly on sandstone and weathered rocks, land zones 7 and 10) 12. Dry eucalypt woodlands to open woodlands, mostly on shallow soils in hilly terrain (mainly on sandstone and weathered rocks, land zones 7 and 10)
Wetlands associated with permanent lakes and swamps, as well as ephemeral lakes, claypans and swamps. Includes fringing woodlands and shrublands Wetlands associated with permanent lakes and swamps, as well as ephemeral lakes, claypans and swamps. Includes fringing woodlands and shrublands
14. Woodlands and tall woodlands dominated by Eucalyptus tetrodonta (Darwin stringybark) (or E. megasepala), and/or Corymbia nesophila (Melville Island bloodwood) and/or E. phoenicea (scarlet gum) 14. Woodlands and tall woodlands dominated by Eucalyptus tetrodonta (Darwin stringybark) (or E. megasepala), and/or Corymbia nesophila (Melville Island bloodwood) and/or E. phoenicea (scarlet gum)
15. Temperate eucalypt woodlands 15. Temperate eucalypt woodlands
16. Eucalyptus spp. dominated open forest and woodlands drainage lines and alluvial plains 16. Eucalyptus spp. dominated open forest and woodlands drainage lines and alluvial plains
17. Eucalyptus populnea (poplar box) or E. melanophloia (silver-leaved ironbark) (or E. whitei (White's ironbark)) dry woodlands to open woodlands on sandplains or depositional plains 17. Eucalyptus populnea (poplar box) or E. melanophloia (silver-leaved ironbark) (or E. whitei (White's ironbark)) dry woodlands to open woodlands on sandplains or depositional plains
18. Dry eucalypt woodlands to open woodlands primarily on sandplains or depositional plains 18. Dry eucalypt woodlands to open woodlands primarily on sandplains or depositional plains
19. Eucalyptus spp. (E. leucophloia (snappy gum), E. leucophylla (Cloncurry box), E. persistens, E. normantonensis (Normanton box)) low open woodlands often with Triodia spp. dominated ground layer 19. Eucalyptus spp. (E. leucophloia (snappy gum), E. leucophylla (Cloncurry box), E. persistens, E. normantonensis (Normanton box)) low open woodlands often with Triodia spp. dominated ground layer
20. Woodlands to open forests dominated by Callitris glaucophylla (white cypress pine) or C. intratropica (coast cypress pine) (land zones 3, 5, 10, 12) (BRB, DEU, EIU, MUL) 20. Woodlands to open forests dominated by Callitris glaucophylla (white cypress pine) or C. intratropica (coast cypress pine) (land zones 3, 5, 10, 12) (BRB, DEU, EIU, MUL)
21. Melaleuca spp. dry woodlands to open woodlands on sandplains or depositional plains 21. Melaleuca spp. dry woodlands to open woodlands on sandplains or depositional plains
22. Melaleuca spp. on seasonally inundated open forests and woodlands of lowland coastal swamps and fringing lines. (palustrine wetlands) 22. Melaleuca spp. on seasonally inundated open forests and woodlands of lowland coastal swamps and fringing lines. (palustrine wetlands)
23. Acacia aneura (mulga) dominated associations on red earth plains, sandplains or residuals 23. Acacia aneura (mulga) dominated associations on red earth plains, sandplains or residuals
24. Acacia spp. on residuals. Species include A. clivicola, A. sibirica, A. shirleyi (lancewood), A. microsperma (bowyakka), A. catenulata (bendee), Acacia rhodoxylon (ringy rosewood) 24. Acacia spp. on residuals. Species include A. clivicola, A. sibirica, A. shirleyi (lancewood), A. microsperma (bowyakka), A. catenulata (bendee), Acacia rhodoxylon (ringy rosewood)
25. Acacia harpophylla (brigalow) sometimes with Casuarina cristata (belah) open forests to woodlands on heavy clay soils 25. Acacia harpophylla (brigalow) sometimes with Casuarina cristata (belah) open forests to woodlands on heavy clay soils
26. Acacia cambagei (gidgee) / A. georginae (Georgina gidgee) / A. argyrodendron (blackwood) dominated associations 26. Acacia cambagei (gidgee) / A. georginae (Georgina gidgee) / A. argyrodendron (blackwood) dominated associations
27. Mixed species woodlands - open woodlands Atalaya hemiglauca (whitewood), Lysiphyllum spp., Acacia tephrina (boree), wooded downs 27. Mixed species woodlands - open woodlands Atalaya hemiglauca (whitewood), Lysiphyllum spp., Acacia tephrina (boree), wooded downs
28. Open forests to open woodlands in coastal locations. Dominant species such as Casuarina spp., Corymbia spp., Allocasuarina spp. (she-oak), Acacia spp., Lophostemon suaveolens (swamp box), Asteromyrtus spp., Neofabricia myrtifolia 28. Open forests to open woodlands in coastal locations. Dominant species such as Casuarina spp., Corymbia spp., Allocasuarina spp. (she-oak), Acacia spp., Lophostemon suaveolens (swamp box), Asteromyrtus spp., Neofabricia myrtifolia
29. Heathlands and associated scrubs and shrublands on coastal dunefields and inland/ montane locations 29. Heathlands and associated scrubs and shrublands on coastal dunefields and inland/ montane locations
30. Astrebla spp. (mitchell grass), Dichanthium spp. (bluegrass) tussock grasslands 30. Astrebla spp. (mitchell grass), Dichanthium spp. (bluegrass) tussock grasslands
31. Mixed open forblands to open tussock grasslands in inland locations 31. Mixed open forblands to open tussock grasslands in inland locations
32. Closed tussock grasslands in coastal locations 32. Closed tussock grasslands in coastal locations
33. Hummock grasslands dominated by Triodia spp. (spinifex) or Zygochloa paradoxa (sandhill canegrass) associations on dunefields or sandplains 33. Hummock grasslands dominated by Triodia spp. (spinifex) or Zygochloa paradoxa (sandhill canegrass) associations on dunefields or sandplains
34. Wetlands associated with permanent lakes and swamps, as well as ephemeral lakes, claypans and swamps. Includes fringing woodlands and shrublands 34. Wetlands associated with permanent lakes and swamps, as well as ephemeral lakes, claypans and swamps. Includes fringing woodlands and shrublands
35. Mangroves and saltmarshes 35. Mangroves and saltmarshes
sand sand
estuary estuary
water water
Remnant BVG - 1:2 million (9)
 1. Complex mesophyll to notophyll vine forests of the Wet Tropics bioregion 1. Complex mesophyll to notophyll vine forests of the Wet Tropics bioregion
 2. Complex to simple, semi-deciduous mesophyll to notophyll vine forest, sometimes with Araucaria cunninghamii (hoop pine) 2. Complex to simple, semi-deciduous mesophyll to notophyll vine forest, sometimes with Araucaria cunninghamii (hoop pine)
 3. Notophyll vine forest/ thicket (sometimes with sclerophyll and/or Araucarian emergents) on coastal dunes and sandmasses 3. Notophyll vine forest/ thicket (sometimes with sclerophyll and/or Araucarian emergents) on coastal dunes and sandmasses
 4. Notophyll and mesophyll vine forest with feather or fan palms on alluvia, along streamlines and in swamps on ranges or within coastal sandmasses 4. Notophyll and mesophyll vine forest with feather or fan palms on alluvia, along streamlines and in swamps on ranges or within coastal sandmasses
 5. Notophyll to microphyll vine forests, frequently with Araucaria spp. or Agathis spp. (kauri pines) 5. Notophyll to microphyll vine forests, frequently with Araucaria spp. or Agathis spp. (kauri pines)
 6. Notophyll vine forest and microphyll fern forest to thicket on high peaks and plateaus 6. Notophyll vine forest and microphyll fern forest to thicket on high peaks and plateaus
 7. Semi-evergreen to deciduous microphyll vine thicket 7. Semi-evergreen to deciduous microphyll vine thicket
 8. Wet eucalypt tall open forest on uplands and alluvia 8. Wet eucalypt tall open forest on uplands and alluvia
 9. Moist to dry eucalypt open forests to woodlands usually on coastal lowlands and ranges 9. Moist to dry eucalypt open forests to woodlands usually on coastal lowlands and ranges
10. Corymbia citriodora (spotted gum) dominated open forests to woodlands on undulating to hilly terrain 10. Corymbia citriodora (spotted gum) dominated open forests to woodlands on undulating to hilly terrain
11. Moist to dry eucalypt open forests to woodlands mainly on basalt areas 11. Moist to dry eucalypt open forests to woodlands mainly on basalt areas
12. Dry eucalypt woodlands to open woodlands, mostly on shallow soils in hilly terrain (mainly on sandstone and weathered rocks, land zones 7 and 10) 12. Dry eucalypt woodlands to open woodlands, mostly on shallow soils in hilly terrain (mainly on sandstone and weathered rocks, land zones 7 and 10)
13. Dry to moist eucalypt woodlands and open forests, mainly on undulating to hilly terrain of mainly metamorphic and acid igneous rocks, Land zones 11 and 12) 13. Dry to moist eucalypt woodlands and open forests, mainly on undulating to hilly terrain of mainly metamorphic and acid igneous rocks, Land zones 11 and 12)
14. Woodlands and tall woodlands dominated by Eucalyptus tetrodonta (Darwin stringybark) (or E. megasepala), and/or Corymbia nesophila (Melville Island bloodwood) and/or E. phoenicea (scarlet gum) 14. Woodlands and tall woodlands dominated by Eucalyptus tetrodonta (Darwin stringybark) (or E. megasepala), and/or Corymbia nesophila (Melville Island bloodwood) and/or E. phoenicea (scarlet gum)
15. Temperate eucalypt woodlands 15. Temperate eucalypt woodlands
16. Eucalyptus spp. dominated open forest and woodlands drainage lines and alluvial plains 16. Eucalyptus spp. dominated open forest and woodlands drainage lines and alluvial plains
17. Eucalyptus populnea (poplar box) or E. melanophloia (silver-leaved ironbark) (or E. whitei (White's ironbark)) dry woodlands to open woodlands on sandplains or depositional plains 17. Eucalyptus populnea (poplar box) or E. melanophloia (silver-leaved ironbark) (or E. whitei (White's ironbark)) dry woodlands to open woodlands on sandplains or depositional plains
18. Dry eucalypt woodlands to open woodlands primarily on sandplains or depositional plains 18. Dry eucalypt woodlands to open woodlands primarily on sandplains or depositional plains
19. Eucalyptus spp. (E. leucophloia (snappy gum), E. leucophylla (Cloncurry box), E. persistens, E. normantonensis (Normanton box)) low open woodlands often with Triodia spp. dominated ground layer 19. Eucalyptus spp. (E. leucophloia (snappy gum), E. leucophylla (Cloncurry box), E. persistens, E. normantonensis (Normanton box)) low open woodlands often with Triodia spp. dominated ground layer
20. Woodlands to open forests dominated by Callitris glaucophylla (white cypress pine) or C. intratropica (coast cypress pine) (land zones 3, 5, 10, 12) (BRB, DEU, EIU, MUL) 20. Woodlands to open forests dominated by Callitris glaucophylla (white cypress pine) or C. intratropica (coast cypress pine) (land zones 3, 5, 10, 12) (BRB, DEU, EIU, MUL)
21. Melaleuca spp. dry woodlands to open woodlands on sandplains or depositional plains 21. Melaleuca spp. dry woodlands to open woodlands on sandplains or depositional plains
22. Melaleuca spp. on seasonally inundated open forests and woodlands of lowland coastal swamps and fringing lines. (palustrine wetlands) 22. Melaleuca spp. on seasonally inundated open forests and woodlands of lowland coastal swamps and fringing lines. (palustrine wetlands)
23. Acacia aneura (mulga) dominated associations on red earth plains, sandplains or residuals 23. Acacia aneura (mulga) dominated associations on red earth plains, sandplains or residuals
24. Acacia spp. on residuals. Species include A. clivicola, A. sibirica, A. shirleyi (lancewood), A. microsperma (bowyakka), A. catenulata (bendee), Acacia rhodoxylon (ringy rosewood) 24. Acacia spp. on residuals. Species include A. clivicola, A. sibirica, A. shirleyi (lancewood), A. microsperma (bowyakka), A. catenulata (bendee), Acacia rhodoxylon (ringy rosewood)
25. Acacia harpophylla (brigalow) sometimes with Casuarina cristata (belah) open forests to woodlands on heavy clay soils 25. Acacia harpophylla (brigalow) sometimes with Casuarina cristata (belah) open forests to woodlands on heavy clay soils
26. Acacia cambagei (gidgee) / A. georginae (Georgina gidgee) / A. argyrodendron (blackwood) dominated associations 26. Acacia cambagei (gidgee) / A. georginae (Georgina gidgee) / A. argyrodendron (blackwood) dominated associations
27. Mixed species woodlands - open woodlands Atalaya hemiglauca (whitewood), Lysiphyllum spp., Acacia tephrina (boree), wooded downs 27. Mixed species woodlands - open woodlands Atalaya hemiglauca (whitewood), Lysiphyllum spp., Acacia tephrina (boree), wooded downs
28. Open forests to open woodlands in coastal locations. Dominant species such as Casuarina spp., Corymbia spp., Allocasuarina spp. (she-oak), Acacia spp., Lophostemon suaveolens (swamp box), Asteromyrtus spp., Neofabricia myrtifolia 28. Open forests to open woodlands in coastal locations. Dominant species such as Casuarina spp., Corymbia spp., Allocasuarina spp. (she-oak), Acacia spp., Lophostemon suaveolens (swamp box), Asteromyrtus spp., Neofabricia myrtifolia
29. Heathlands and associated scrubs and shrublands on coastal dunefields and inland/ montane locations 29. Heathlands and associated scrubs and shrublands on coastal dunefields and inland/ montane locations
30. Astrebla spp. (mitchell grass), Dichanthium spp. (bluegrass) tussock grasslands 30. Astrebla spp. (mitchell grass), Dichanthium spp. (bluegrass) tussock grasslands
31. Mixed open forblands to open tussock grasslands in inland locations 31. Mixed open forblands to open tussock grasslands in inland locations
32. Closed tussock grasslands in coastal locations 32. Closed tussock grasslands in coastal locations
33. Hummock grasslands dominated by Triodia spp. (spinifex) or Zygochloa paradoxa (sandhill canegrass) associations on dunefields or sandplains 33. Hummock grasslands dominated by Triodia spp. (spinifex) or Zygochloa paradoxa (sandhill canegrass) associations on dunefields or sandplains
34. Wetlands associated with permanent lakes and swamps, as well as ephemeral lakes, claypans and swamps. Includes fringing woodlands and shrublands 34. Wetlands associated with permanent lakes and swamps, as well as ephemeral lakes, claypans and swamps. Includes fringing woodlands and shrublands
35. Mangroves and saltmarshes 35. Mangroves and saltmarshes
sand sand
estuary estuary
small remnant small remnant
non-remnant non-remnant
water water
Pre-clearing BVG - 1:5 million (10)
 1. Rainforests and scrubs 1. Rainforests and scrubs
 2. Wet eucalypt open forests 2. Wet eucalypt open forests
 3. Eucalypt woodlands to open forests (mainly Eastern) 3. Eucalypt woodlands to open forests (mainly Eastern)
 4. Eucalypt open forests to woodlands on floodplains 4. Eucalypt open forests to woodlands on floodplains
 5. Eucalypt dry woodlands on inland depositional plains 5. Eucalypt dry woodlands on inland depositional plains
 6. Eucalypt low open woodlands usually with spinifex understorey 6. Eucalypt low open woodlands usually with spinifex understorey
 7. Callitris woodland - open forests 7. Callitris woodland - open forests
 8. Melaleuca open-woodlands on depositional plains 8. Melaleuca open-woodlands on depositional plains
 9. Acacia aneura dominated open forests, woodlands and shrublands 9. Acacia aneura dominated open forests, woodlands and shrublands
10. Other acacia dominated open forests, woodlands and shrublands 10. Other acacia dominated open forests, woodlands and shrublands
11. Mixed species woodlands - open woodlands (inland bioregions) includes wooded downs 11. Mixed species woodlands - open woodlands (inland bioregions) includes wooded downs
12. Other coastal communities or heaths 12. Other coastal communities or heaths
13. Tussock grasslands, forblands 13. Tussock grasslands, forblands
14. Hummock grasslands 14. Hummock grasslands
15. Wetlands (swamps and lakes) 15. Wetlands (swamps and lakes)
16. Mangroves and saltmarshes 16. Mangroves and saltmarshes
sand sand
estuary estuary
water water
Remnant BVG - 1:5 million (11)
 1. Rainforests and scrubs 1. Rainforests and scrubs
 2. Wet eucalypt open forests 2. Wet eucalypt open forests
 3. Eucalypt woodlands to open forests (mainly Eastern) 3. Eucalypt woodlands to open forests (mainly Eastern)
 4. Eucalypt open forests to woodlands on floodplains 4. Eucalypt open forests to woodlands on floodplains
 5. Eucalypt dry woodlands on inland depositional plains 5. Eucalypt dry woodlands on inland depositional plains
 6. Eucalypt low open woodlands usually with spinifex understorey 6. Eucalypt low open woodlands usually with spinifex understorey
 7. Callitris woodland - open forests 7. Callitris woodland - open forests
 8. Melaleuca open-woodlands on depositional plains 8. Melaleuca open-woodlands on depositional plains
 9. Acacia aneura dominated open forests, woodlands and shrublands 9. Acacia aneura dominated open forests, woodlands and shrublands
10. Other acacia dominated open forests, woodlands and shrublands 10. Other acacia dominated open forests, woodlands and shrublands
11. Mixed species woodlands - open woodlands (inland bioregions) includes wooded downs 11. Mixed species woodlands - open woodlands (inland bioregions) includes wooded downs
12. Other coastal communities or heaths 12. Other coastal communities or heaths
13. Tussock grasslands, forblands 13. Tussock grasslands, forblands
14. Hummock grasslands 14. Hummock grasslands
15. Wetlands (swamps and lakes) 15. Wetlands (swamps and lakes)
16. Mangroves and saltmarshes 16. Mangroves and saltmarshes
sand sand
estuary estuary
non-remnant non-remnant
small remnant small remnant
water water
High value regrowth (13)