Biodiversity status - preclear (1)
| Endangered - Dominant vegetation |
| Endangered - Sub-dominant |
| Of Concern - Dominant |
| Of Concern - Sub-dominant |
| No concern at present |
| Estuary, ocean |
Biodiversity status - remnant (2)
| Endangered - Dominant vegetation |
| Endangered - Sub-dominant |
| Of Concern - Dominant |
| Of Concern - Sub-dominant |
| No concern at present |
| Non-remnant vegetation, cultivated or built environment |
| Plantation |
| Water |
Landzone - preclear (3)
| 1. Quaternary marine deposits |
| 2. Quaternary coastal dunes and beaches |
| 3. Cainozoic alluvial plains and piedmont fans |
| 4. Cainozoic clay deposits, gently undulating plains |
| 5. Cainozoic sand deposits, extensive flat or gently undulating plains |
| 6. Cainozoic inland dunefields |
| 7. Cainozoic duricrusts formed on a variety of rock types |
| 8. Cainozoic igneous rocks, floood basalts forming extensive plains and occasional low scarps |
| 9. Cainozoic/Proterozoic consolidated fine grained sediments |
| 10. Cainozoic/Proterozoic consolidated medium to coarse grained sediments |
| 9-10. Cainozoic/Proterozoic consolidated sediments (SEQ) |
| 11. Mesozoic/Proterozoic metamorphosed sediments and interbedded volcanics |
| 12. Mesozoic/Proterozoic igneous rocks |
Landzone - remnant (4)
| 1. Quaternary marine deposits |
| 2. Quaternary coastal dunes and beaches |
| 3. Cainozoic alluvial plains and piedmont fans |
| 4. Cainozoic clay deposits, gently undulating plains |
| 5. Cainozoic sand deposits, extensive flat or gently undulating plains |
| 6. Cainozoic inland dunefields |
| 7. Cainozoic duricrusts formed on a variety of rock types |
| 8. Cainozoic igneous rocks, floood basalts forming extensive plains and occasional low scarps |
| 9. Cainozoic/Proterozoic consolidated fine grained sediments |
| 10. Cainozoic/Proterozoic consolidated medium to coarse grained sediments |
| 9-10. Cainozoic/Proterozoic consolidated sediments (SEQ) |
| 11. Mesozoic/Proterozoic metamorphosed sediments and interbedded volcanics |
| 12. Mesozoic/Proterozoic igneous rocks |
Pre-clearing BVG - 1:1 million (6)
| water |
| estuary |
| sand |
| 1a |
| 1b |
| 2a |
| 2b |
| 2c |
| 2d |
| 3a |
| 4a |
| 4b |
| 5a |
| 5b |
| 5c |
| 5d |
| 6a |
| 6b |
| 7a |
| 7b |
| 8a |
| 8b |
| 9a |
| 9b |
| 9c |
| 9d |
| 9e |
| 9f |
| 9g |
| 9h |
| 10a |
| 10b |
| 11a |
| 11b |
| 11c |
| 12a |
| 12b |
| 13a |
| 13b |
| 13c |
| 13d |
| 14a |
| 14b |
| 14c |
| 14d |
| 15a |
| 15b |
| 16a |
| 16b |
| 16c |
| 16d |
| 17a |
| 17b |
| 17c |
| 18a |
| 18b |
| 18c |
| 18d |
| 19a |
| 19b |
| 19c |
| 19d |
| 20a |
| 21a |
| 21b |
| 22a |
| 22b |
| 22c |
| 23a |
| 23b |
| 24a |
| 24b |
| 25a |
| 26a |
| 27a |
| 27b |
| 27c |
| 28a |
| 28b |
| 28c |
| 28d |
| 28e |
| 29a |
| 29b |
| 30a |
| 30b |
| 31a |
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| 32a |
| 32b |
| 33a |
| 33b |
| 34a |
| 34b |
| 34c |
| 34d |
| 34e |
| 34f |
| 34g |
| 35a |
| 35b |
Remnant BVG - 1:1 million (7)
| non-remnant |
| water |
| estuary |
| sand |
| small remnant |
| 1a |
| 1b |
| 2a |
| 2b |
| 2c |
| 2d |
| 3a |
| 4a |
| 4b |
| 5a |
| 5b |
| 5c |
| 5d |
| 6a |
| 6b |
| 7a |
| 7b |
| 8a |
| 8b |
| 9a |
| 9b |
| 9c |
| 9d |
| 9e |
| 9f |
| 9g |
| 9h |
| 10a |
| 10b |
| 11a |
| 11b |
| 11c |
| 12a |
| 12b |
| 13a |
| 13b |
| 13c |
| 13d |
| 14a |
| 14b |
| 14c |
| 14d |
| 15a |
| 15b |
| 16a |
| 16b |
| 16c |
| 16d |
| 17a |
| 17b |
| 17c |
| 18a |
| 18b |
| 18c |
| 18d |
| 19a |
| 19b |
| 19c |
| 19d |
| 20a |
| 21a |
| 21b |
| 22a |
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| 22c |
| 23a |
| 23b |
| 24a |
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| 25a |
| 26a |
| 27a |
| 27b |
| 27c |
| 28a |
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| 28d |
| 28e |
| 29a |
| 29b |
| 30a |
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| 31a |
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| 32a |
| 32b |
| 33a |
| 33b |
| 34a |
| 34b |
| 34c |
| 34d |
| 34e |
| 34f |
| 34g |
| 35a |
| 35b |
Pre-clearing BVG - 1:2 million (8)
| 1. Complex mesophyll to notophyll vine forests of the Wet Tropics bioregion |
| 2. Complex to simple, semi-deciduous mesophyll to notophyll vine forest, sometimes with Araucaria cunninghamii (hoop pine) |
| 3. Notophyll vine forest/ thicket (sometimes with sclerophyll and/or Araucarian emergents) on coastal dunes and sandmasses |
| 4. Notophyll and mesophyll vine forest with feather or fan palms on alluvia, along streamlines and in swamps on ranges or within coastal sandmasses |
| 5. Notophyll to microphyll vine forests, frequently with Araucaria spp. or Agathis spp. (kauri pines) |
| 6. Notophyll vine forest and microphyll fern forest to thicket on high peaks and plateaus |
| 7. Semi-evergreen to deciduous microphyll vine thicket |
| 8. Wet eucalypt tall open forest on uplands and alluvia |
| 9. Moist to dry eucalypt open forests to woodlands usually on coastal lowlands and ranges |
| 10. Corymbia citriodora (spotted gum) dominated open forests to woodlands on undulating to hilly terrain |
| 11. Moist to dry eucalypt open forests to woodlands mainly on basalt areas |
| 12. Dry eucalypt woodlands to open woodlands, mostly on shallow soils in hilly terrain (mainly on sandstone and weathered rocks, land zones 7 and 10) |
| Wetlands associated with permanent lakes and swamps, as well as ephemeral lakes, claypans and swamps. Includes fringing woodlands and shrublands |
| 14. Woodlands and tall woodlands dominated by Eucalyptus tetrodonta (Darwin stringybark) (or E. megasepala), and/or Corymbia nesophila (Melville Island bloodwood) and/or E. phoenicea (scarlet gum) |
| 15. Temperate eucalypt woodlands |
| 16. Eucalyptus spp. dominated open forest and woodlands drainage lines and alluvial plains |
| 17. Eucalyptus populnea (poplar box) or E. melanophloia (silver-leaved ironbark) (or E. whitei (White's ironbark)) dry woodlands to open woodlands on sandplains or depositional plains |
| 18. Dry eucalypt woodlands to open woodlands primarily on sandplains or depositional plains |
| 19. Eucalyptus spp. (E. leucophloia (snappy gum), E. leucophylla (Cloncurry box), E. persistens, E. normantonensis (Normanton box)) low open woodlands often with Triodia spp. dominated ground layer |
| 20. Woodlands to open forests dominated by Callitris glaucophylla (white cypress pine) or C. intratropica (coast cypress pine) (land zones 3, 5, 10, 12) (BRB, DEU, EIU, MUL) |
| 21. Melaleuca spp. dry woodlands to open woodlands on sandplains or depositional plains |
| 22. Melaleuca spp. on seasonally inundated open forests and woodlands of lowland coastal swamps and fringing lines. (palustrine wetlands) |
| 23. Acacia aneura (mulga) dominated associations on red earth plains, sandplains or residuals |
| 24. Acacia spp. on residuals. Species include A. clivicola, A. sibirica, A. shirleyi (lancewood), A. microsperma (bowyakka), A. catenulata (bendee), Acacia rhodoxylon (ringy rosewood) |
| 25. Acacia harpophylla (brigalow) sometimes with Casuarina cristata (belah) open forests to woodlands on heavy clay soils |
| 26. Acacia cambagei (gidgee) / A. georginae (Georgina gidgee) / A. argyrodendron (blackwood) dominated associations |
| 27. Mixed species woodlands - open woodlands Atalaya hemiglauca (whitewood), Lysiphyllum spp., Acacia tephrina (boree), wooded downs |
| 28. Open forests to open woodlands in coastal locations. Dominant species such as Casuarina spp., Corymbia spp., Allocasuarina spp. (she-oak), Acacia spp., Lophostemon suaveolens (swamp box), Asteromyrtus spp., Neofabricia myrtifolia |
| 29. Heathlands and associated scrubs and shrublands on coastal dunefields and inland/ montane locations |
| 30. Astrebla spp. (mitchell grass), Dichanthium spp. (bluegrass) tussock grasslands |
| 31. Mixed open forblands to open tussock grasslands in inland locations |
| 32. Closed tussock grasslands in coastal locations |
| 33. Hummock grasslands dominated by Triodia spp. (spinifex) or Zygochloa paradoxa (sandhill canegrass) associations on dunefields or sandplains |
| 34. Wetlands associated with permanent lakes and swamps, as well as ephemeral lakes, claypans and swamps. Includes fringing woodlands and shrublands |
| 35. Mangroves and saltmarshes |
| sand |
| estuary |
| water |
Remnant BVG - 1:2 million (9)
| 1. Complex mesophyll to notophyll vine forests of the Wet Tropics bioregion |
| 2. Complex to simple, semi-deciduous mesophyll to notophyll vine forest, sometimes with Araucaria cunninghamii (hoop pine) |
| 3. Notophyll vine forest/ thicket (sometimes with sclerophyll and/or Araucarian emergents) on coastal dunes and sandmasses |
| 4. Notophyll and mesophyll vine forest with feather or fan palms on alluvia, along streamlines and in swamps on ranges or within coastal sandmasses |
| 5. Notophyll to microphyll vine forests, frequently with Araucaria spp. or Agathis spp. (kauri pines) |
| 6. Notophyll vine forest and microphyll fern forest to thicket on high peaks and plateaus |
| 7. Semi-evergreen to deciduous microphyll vine thicket |
| 8. Wet eucalypt tall open forest on uplands and alluvia |
| 9. Moist to dry eucalypt open forests to woodlands usually on coastal lowlands and ranges |
| 10. Corymbia citriodora (spotted gum) dominated open forests to woodlands on undulating to hilly terrain |
| 11. Moist to dry eucalypt open forests to woodlands mainly on basalt areas |
| 12. Dry eucalypt woodlands to open woodlands, mostly on shallow soils in hilly terrain (mainly on sandstone and weathered rocks, land zones 7 and 10) |
| 13. Dry to moist eucalypt woodlands and open forests, mainly on undulating to hilly terrain of mainly metamorphic and acid igneous rocks, Land zones 11 and 12) |
| 14. Woodlands and tall woodlands dominated by Eucalyptus tetrodonta (Darwin stringybark) (or E. megasepala), and/or Corymbia nesophila (Melville Island bloodwood) and/or E. phoenicea (scarlet gum) |
| 15. Temperate eucalypt woodlands |
| 16. Eucalyptus spp. dominated open forest and woodlands drainage lines and alluvial plains |
| 17. Eucalyptus populnea (poplar box) or E. melanophloia (silver-leaved ironbark) (or E. whitei (White's ironbark)) dry woodlands to open woodlands on sandplains or depositional plains |
| 18. Dry eucalypt woodlands to open woodlands primarily on sandplains or depositional plains |
| 19. Eucalyptus spp. (E. leucophloia (snappy gum), E. leucophylla (Cloncurry box), E. persistens, E. normantonensis (Normanton box)) low open woodlands often with Triodia spp. dominated ground layer |
| 20. Woodlands to open forests dominated by Callitris glaucophylla (white cypress pine) or C. intratropica (coast cypress pine) (land zones 3, 5, 10, 12) (BRB, DEU, EIU, MUL) |
| 21. Melaleuca spp. dry woodlands to open woodlands on sandplains or depositional plains |
| 22. Melaleuca spp. on seasonally inundated open forests and woodlands of lowland coastal swamps and fringing lines. (palustrine wetlands) |
| 23. Acacia aneura (mulga) dominated associations on red earth plains, sandplains or residuals |
| 24. Acacia spp. on residuals. Species include A. clivicola, A. sibirica, A. shirleyi (lancewood), A. microsperma (bowyakka), A. catenulata (bendee), Acacia rhodoxylon (ringy rosewood) |
| 25. Acacia harpophylla (brigalow) sometimes with Casuarina cristata (belah) open forests to woodlands on heavy clay soils |
| 26. Acacia cambagei (gidgee) / A. georginae (Georgina gidgee) / A. argyrodendron (blackwood) dominated associations |
| 27. Mixed species woodlands - open woodlands Atalaya hemiglauca (whitewood), Lysiphyllum spp., Acacia tephrina (boree), wooded downs |
| 28. Open forests to open woodlands in coastal locations. Dominant species such as Casuarina spp., Corymbia spp., Allocasuarina spp. (she-oak), Acacia spp., Lophostemon suaveolens (swamp box), Asteromyrtus spp., Neofabricia myrtifolia |
| 29. Heathlands and associated scrubs and shrublands on coastal dunefields and inland/ montane locations |
| 30. Astrebla spp. (mitchell grass), Dichanthium spp. (bluegrass) tussock grasslands |
| 31. Mixed open forblands to open tussock grasslands in inland locations |
| 32. Closed tussock grasslands in coastal locations |
| 33. Hummock grasslands dominated by Triodia spp. (spinifex) or Zygochloa paradoxa (sandhill canegrass) associations on dunefields or sandplains |
| 34. Wetlands associated with permanent lakes and swamps, as well as ephemeral lakes, claypans and swamps. Includes fringing woodlands and shrublands |
| 35. Mangroves and saltmarshes |
| sand |
| estuary |
| small remnant |
| non-remnant |
| water |
Pre-clearing BVG - 1:5 million (10)
| 1. Rainforests and scrubs |
| 2. Wet eucalypt open forests |
| 3. Eucalypt woodlands to open forests (mainly Eastern) |
| 4. Eucalypt open forests to woodlands on floodplains |
| 5. Eucalypt dry woodlands on inland depositional plains |
| 6. Eucalypt low open woodlands usually with spinifex understorey |
| 7. Callitris woodland - open forests |
| 8. Melaleuca open-woodlands on depositional plains |
| 9. Acacia aneura dominated open forests, woodlands and shrublands |
| 10. Other acacia dominated open forests, woodlands and shrublands |
| 11. Mixed species woodlands - open woodlands (inland bioregions) includes wooded downs |
| 12. Other coastal communities or heaths |
| 13. Tussock grasslands, forblands |
| 14. Hummock grasslands |
| 15. Wetlands (swamps and lakes) |
| 16. Mangroves and saltmarshes |
| sand |
| estuary |
| water |
Remnant BVG - 1:5 million (11)
| 1. Rainforests and scrubs |
| 2. Wet eucalypt open forests |
| 3. Eucalypt woodlands to open forests (mainly Eastern) |
| 4. Eucalypt open forests to woodlands on floodplains |
| 5. Eucalypt dry woodlands on inland depositional plains |
| 6. Eucalypt low open woodlands usually with spinifex understorey |
| 7. Callitris woodland - open forests |
| 8. Melaleuca open-woodlands on depositional plains |
| 9. Acacia aneura dominated open forests, woodlands and shrublands |
| 10. Other acacia dominated open forests, woodlands and shrublands |
| 11. Mixed species woodlands - open woodlands (inland bioregions) includes wooded downs |
| 12. Other coastal communities or heaths |
| 13. Tussock grasslands, forblands |
| 14. Hummock grasslands |
| 15. Wetlands (swamps and lakes) |
| 16. Mangroves and saltmarshes |
| sand |
| estuary |
| non-remnant |
| small remnant |
| water |
High value regrowth (13)