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snippet: This mapping identifies known beaches and surrounding rocky coastlines that are nesting areas for sea turtles that are listed as 'threatened' wildlife defined under the Nature Conservation Act 1992 (NCA). Nesting areas in this mapping are categorised as: - very significant - over 40% of the species or genetic stock rely on the nesting area - significant - over 1% of the species or genetic stock rely on the nesting area - present - below 1% of the species or genetic stock rely on the nesting area
summary: This mapping identifies known beaches and surrounding rocky coastlines that are nesting areas for sea turtles that are listed as 'threatened' wildlife defined under the Nature Conservation Act 1992 (NCA). Nesting areas in this mapping are categorised as: - very significant - over 40% of the species or genetic stock rely on the nesting area - significant - over 1% of the species or genetic stock rely on the nesting area - present - below 1% of the species or genetic stock rely on the nesting area
accessInformation: (c) Department of Environment and Science, Queensland 2022
maxScale: 0
typeKeywords: []
description: The mapping aims to:- Support plan making agencies considering adopting the Sea Turtle Sensitive Area voluntary model code by Department of State Development Infrastructure and Planning (DSDMIP).- Assist with the interpretation of the draft National Light Pollution Guidelines for Wildlife released by the Australian Government’s Department of Agriculture Water and the Environment ( Assist asset managers and developers wishing to adopt best practice approaches when installing new lighting near turtle nesting areas.The mapping is a line representing underlying sea turtle nesting areas. The inclusion of rocky coastlines and headlands is deliberate to reflect how artificial light can influence not only the behaviour of hatchlings on the beach but also the wayfinding of both adult turtles and hatchlings in coastal waters around nesting beaches.Local refinement is required to determine “turtle sensitive areas” under the Sea Turtle Sensitive Area voluntary model code.
licenseInfo: This dataset is provided for information purposes only. In reports, maps and metadata for products derived from this coverage, the following acknowledgement is required: ©State of Queensland (Department of Environment and Science), 2022
title: Sea turtle nesting areas
tags: ["planning","biodiversity","Matters of State Environmental Significance","MSES","State Planning Policy","SPP","turtle","nesting area","habitat"]
culture: en-AU
minScale: 0