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Generate KML (Transportation/HeavyVehicleRoutesAndRestrictions)

    Zero Emission HV scheme network(2)
    [Deprecated] 23m B-double [B23](0)
      [Deprecated] B23 restriction(1)
      [Deprecated] B23 route(3)
    [Deprecated] 25/26m B-double and PBS 2A [B25/26](5)
      [Deprecated] B25/B26 restriction(6)
      [Deprecated] B25/B26 route(8)
    [Deprecated] Type 1 road train and PBS 3A [RT1](10)
      [Deprecated] RT1 restriction(11)
      [Deprecated] RT1 route(13)
    [Deprecated] Type 2 road train and PBS 4A [RT2](15)
      [Deprecated] RT2 restriction(16)
      [Deprecated] RT2 route(18)
    [Deprecated] Higher mass limits [HML](20)
      [Deprecated] HML restriction(21)
      [Deprecated] HML route(23)
    [Deprecated] One tonne mass transfer [1TMT](35)
      [Deprecated] 1TMT restriction(36)
      [Deprecated] 1TMT route(38)
    PBS 2B [P2B](25)
      P2B restriction(26)
      P2B route(28)
    [Deprecated] No road trains or B-doubles [NORTBD](30)
      [Deprecated] NORTBD restriction(31)
      [Deprecated] NORTBD route(33)
    [Deprecated] Multi-combination heavy vehicle operational areas(39)
    Critical roads network(42)
      Critical road restriction(44)
      Critical roads(46)
      Major roads restriction(48)
      Major roads(50)
      Critical area(52)
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