Description: This layer depicts areas subject to an Acquisition of Land Act 1967 process to take native title rights and interests. This layer’s dataset is not complete. The Commonwealth Native Title Act 1993 and State native title policies and procedures must be considered when using this dataset. The layer’s dataset is subject to change without notice and is updated nightly.
Description: This layer depicts areas subject to historical research and contains references to records that may or may not have assisted a native title assessment process. The Commonwealth Native Title Act 1993 and State Government native title policies and procedures must be considered when using this layer. The layer’s dataset is subject to change without notice and is updated nightly.
Description: This layer depicts areas assessed by a Government Department as being subject to native title extinguishment e.g. previous exclusive possession act, surrender of native title rights and interests under a registered Indigenous Land Use Agreement. The Commonwealth Native Title Act 1993 and State Government native title policies and procedures must be considered when using this layer. The layer’s dataset is subject to change without notice and is updated nightly.