Value: Dundowran Basalt, Gin Gin Basalt, Main Range Volcanics, Minerva Hills Volcanics, Mount Runsome Basalt, Peak Range Volcanics, Waddy Point Volcanics, unnamed basalt and subordinate rhyolite; some plugs:Tv Label: Tertiary volcanics; some plugs (Tv) Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Duckinwilla Group:RJd Label: Duckinwilla Group (RJd) Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Middle to Late Triassic volcanic (and some sedimentary units), SE Queensland:Rvs Label: Middle to Late Triassic volcanic and some sedimentary units, SE Queensland (Rvs) Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Early to Middle Triassic volcanic and some sedimentary units, SE Queensland:Rvm Label: Early to Middle Triassic volcanic and some sedimentary units, SE Queensland (Rvm) Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Lizzie Creek Volcanic Group, Mount Wickham Rhyolite:Pvz Label: Lizzie Creek Volcanic Group, Mount Wickham Rhyolite (Pvz) Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Late Permian intrusives in central and SE Queensland:Pgl Label: Late Permian intrusives in central and SE Queensland (Pgl) Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Late Carboniferous-Early Permian sedimentary units, N Queensland:CPs Label: Late Carboniferous-Early Permian sedimentary units, N Queensland (CPs) Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Obree Point Volcanics:CPvr Label: Obree Point Volcanics (CPvr) Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Bulliwallah Formation, Ducabrook Formation, Mount Rankin Formation, Natal Formation, Star of Hope Formation:Cd/3 Label: Bulliwallah Formation, Ducabrook Formation, Mount Rankin Formation, Natal Formation, Star of Hope Formation (Cd/3) Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Mount Hall Formation, Raymond Sandstone, Scartwater Formation, Telemon Formation:Cd/2 Label: Mount Hall Formation, Raymond Sandstone, Scartwater Formation, Telemon Formation (Cd/2) Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Kennedy Province - Carboniferous volcanic rocks:Cvk Label: Kennedy Province - Carboniferous volcanic rocks (Cvk) Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Broome Head Metamorphics, Sabina Point Schist, The Shacks Mylonite, Townshend Formation:DCcm Label: Broome Head Metamorphics, Sabina Point Schist, The Shacks Mylonite, Townshend Formation (DCcm) Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Mount Alma Formation, Balaclava Formation, Lochenbar Formation, Mount Hoopbound Formation, Tanderra Volcanics, Channer Creek beds, Three Moon Conglomerate:DCa Label: Mount Alma Formation, Balaclava Formation, Lochenbar Formation, Mount Hoopbound Formation, Tanderra Volcanics, Channer Creek beds, Three Moon Conglomerate (DCa) Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Mount Morgan Trondhjemite, Pomegranate Tonalite, unnamed plutonic units:Dgm Label: Mount Morgan Trondhjemite, Pomegranate Tonalite, unnamed plutonic units (Dgm) Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Ukalunda Formation, Douglas Creek Limestone, Dunstable Volcanics, Sedgeford Formation, Theresa Creek Volcanics, unnamed sedimentary and volcanic units:Da Label: Ukalunda Formation, Douglas Creek Limestone, Dunstable Volcanics, Sedgeford Formation, Theresa Creek Volcanics, unnamed sedimentary and volcanic units (Da) Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Shield Creek Formation, Blue Rock Creek beds, Conjuboy Formation, Broken River Group:Db Label: Shield Creek Formation, Blue Rock Creek beds, Conjuboy Formation, Broken River Group (Db) Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Toko Group, Kelly Creek Formation, Coolibah Formation:Ot Label: Toko Group, Kelly Creek Formation, Coolibah Formation (Ot) Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Seventy Mile Range Group, Kirk River beds, Les Jumelles beds:EOs Label: Seventy Mile Range Group, Kirk River beds, Les Jumelles beds (EOs) Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Black Stump Arkose, Gnallan-a-gea Arkose, Little Burke Tillite, Sun Hill Arkose, Yardida Tillite:PLEg Label: Black Stump Arkose, Gnallan-a-gea Arkose, Little Burke Tillite, Sun Hill Arkose, Yardida Tillite (PLEg) Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Yaringa Metamorphics, Saint Ronans Metamorphics, Sulieman Gneiss and other pre-Barramundi Orogeny Basement:PLx Label: Yaringa Metamorphics, Saint Ronans Metamorphics, Sulieman Gneiss and other pre-Barramundi Orogeny Basement (PLx) Description: N/A Symbol:
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