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snippet: The dataset is intended to provide a comprehensive, broad-scale distribution of pests across all of Queensland.
summary: The dataset is intended to provide a comprehensive, broad-scale distribution of pests across all of Queensland.
accessInformation: © State of Queensland (Department of Agriculture and Fisheries), 2018
maxScale: 0
typeKeywords: []
description: The Annual Pest Distribution Survey 2018 is a dataset containing broad-scale distribution information of 20 pest plants and animals in Queensland. Pest species include prohibited and restricted pest species as defined in the Queensland Biosecurity Act 2014, as well as 2 not listed species. Pests are mapped to a vector grid that covers all of Queensland. Pest presence or absence is recorded for each grid cell. If the pest is present, an indication of density and distribution is recorded. The information is collated via a series of workshops across Queensland, where pest 'experts' participate in the survey, including representatives from Local Government, NRM bodies and other agencies involved in pest management. The grid is based on the Australian 100k topographic map series, and the grid cell size is approx. 0.167 x 0.167 degree (10mins) across all of Queensland.
licenseInfo: The State of Queensland through the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries is the owner of the Intellectual Property Rights in and to the information supplied. Reproduction of the licensed data and development of any licensed data product is permitted on condition that the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries is acknowledged as the owner of the dataset., Not to be used as a definitive location of weeds and pest animals.
title: QLD Annual Pest Distribution Survey 2018
tags: ["Australia","Queensland","ANNUAL","2018","FAUNA Exotic","FLORA Exotic","HAZARDS Pests","Weed distribution","Pest animal distribution"]
culture: en-AU
minScale: 0