{ "culture": "en-AU", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "Queensland Roads and Tracks (QRT). This includes State Controlled Roads, Local\n\t\t\tGovernment Controlled Roads, Local Roads of Regional Significance, Private Roads, Tracks\n\t\t\tand driveable beaches. This dataset contains segments of a road between nodes,\n\t\t\tintersections or road features, represented by a line between two vertices. A road is\n\t\t\tconsidered that which has a discrete name and is continuously navigable, with a road id\n\t\t\tassigned to all sections of that road.", "description": "DIV", "summary": "Queensland Roads and Tracks (QRT). This includes State Controlled Roads, Local\n\t\t\tGovernment Controlled Roads, Local Roads of Regional Significance, Private Roads, Tracks\n\t\t\tand driveable beaches. This dataset contains segments of a road between nodes,\n\t\t\tintersections or road features, represented by a line between two vertices. A road is\n\t\t\tconsidered that which has a discrete name and is continuously navigable, with a road id\n\t\t\tassigned to all sections of that road.", "title": "Queensland Roads and Tracks", "tags": [ "Queensland", "road", "track", "roads", "tracks", "street name", "locality", "QSIC Foundation Dataset", "LAND", "Motorway", "Highway", "Busway", "Bikeway", "Walkway", "Mall", "Ferry", "Bridge", "Tunnel", "Green Bridge" ], "type": "", "typeKeywords": [], "thumbnail": "", "url": "", "minScale": 20000000, "maxScale": 5000, "spatialReference": "", "accessInformation": "© State of Queensland (Department of Resources) 2023", "licenseInfo": "DIV" }