{ "culture": "en-AU", "name": "WaterCoursesAndBodies", "guid": "C6F83B92-B2C0-448E-AE86-B21B17950429", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "Inland watercourses and water bodies used in the Queensland Globe application.", "description": "This service displays inland water features of interest to most Queensland\nGlobe users. They are aimed at informing the user if a natural lake,\nconstructed lake, canal, watercourse, dam, rockpool or rockhole, waterhole,\nwaterfall, flat, swamp or pondage area is present at their location of\ninterest. The information display at relevant scale levels from the extent of\nQueensland through to land parcel level.\n\nThe primary objective of this service is to provide a spatial representation\nof Queensland's water features for topographic mapping, and should be\ninterpreted and utilised accordingly. It is not to replace high precision or\nengineering mapping. Users are responsible for verifying the data's\nappropriateness for their intended applications and for any conclusions or\nactions derived from its use and should seek independent professional advice.\n\nNote - Layers marked as deprecated have been replaced by newer layers and are\nno longer being actively updated. In time, these layers will be removed from\nthe service without warning and it is recommended to transition business\npractices or applications to the new layers as soon as feasible.\n\nThis service provides access to the following spatial datasets:\n\n * _[Deprecated] Farm Dam_ (nat.waterbodies/nat.waterstoragepoints)\n * _Farm dam_ (nat.water_waterbodypoints)\n * _[Deprecated] Pool or rockhole_ (nat.waterbodies/nat.waterpoints)\n * _Pool or rockhole_ (nat.water_waterbodypoints)\n * _[Deprecated] Waterhole_ (nat.waterbodies/nat.waterholes)\n * _Waterhole_ (nat.water_waterbodypoints)\n * _[Deprecated] Waterfall_ (nat.drainage/nat.waterfallpoints)\n * _Waterfall_ (nat.water_waterfalls)\n * _[Deprecated] Coastline_ (nat.framework/nat.frameworkboundaries)\n * _Coastline_ (nat.water_coastline)\n * _[Deprecated] Flat or swamp_ (nat.waterbodies/nat.flats)\n * _Flat or swamp_ (nat.water_waterbodyareas)\n * _[Deprecated] Pondage area_ (nat.waterbodies/nat.pondageareas)\n * _Pondage area_ (nat.water_pondageareas)\n * _[Deprecated] Lake_ (nat.waterbodies/nat.lakes)\n * _Lake_ (nat.water_waterbodyareas)\n * _[Deprecated] Reservoir_ (nat.waterbodies/nat.reservoirs)\n * _Reservoir_ (nat.water_waterbodyareas)\n * _[Deprecated] Canal line_ (nat.drainage/nat.canallines)\n * _Canal line_ (nat.water_watercourselines)\n * _[Deprecated] Canal area_ (nat.waterbodies/nat.canalareas)\n * _Canal area_ (nat.water_waterbodyareas)\n * _[Deprecated] Watercourse line_ (nat.drainage/nat.watercourselines)\n * _Watercourse lines_ (nat.water_watercourselines)\n * _[Deprecated] Watercourse area_ (nat.waterbodies/nat.watercourseareas)\n * _Watercourse area_ (nat.water_waterbodyareas)\n * _[Deprecated] Watercourse stream order_ (nat.drainage/nat.watercourselines)\n * _Watercourse stream order_ (nat.water_watercourselines)\n * _[Deprecated] Water area edge_ (nat.drainage/nat.shorelines)\n * _Water area edge_ (nat.water_shorelines)\n\n", "summary": "Inland watercourses and water bodies used in the Queensland Globe application.", "title": "Watercourses and bodies", "tags": [ "canal", "coastline", "dam", "flat", "lake", "pondage area", "reservoir", "rockhole", "rockpool", "swamp", "watercourse", "waterfall", "waterhole" ], "type": "Map Service", "typeKeywords": [ "Data", "Service", "Map Service", "ArcGIS Server" ], "thumbnail": "thumbnail/thumbnail.png", "url": "", "extent": [ [ 137.0050105, -29.9012485 ], [ 153.638727, -9.14120300000002 ] ], "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 1.7976931348623157E308, "spatialReference": "WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere", "accessInformation": "© State of Queensland (Department of Resources) 2024", "licenseInfo": "© State of Queensland (Department of Resources) 2024\n\n[![Creative Commons \u2014 Attribution 4.0 International Logo](https://licensebuttons.net/l/by/4.0/88x31.png)](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) This service is licenced under a [Creative Commons \u2014 Attribution 4.0 International](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) licence.\n\nAttribution is requested in the following manner: © State of Queensland (Department of Resources) 2024." }