{ "culture": "en-AU", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "Map layer extracted from Biosecurity Queensland pest distribution survey displaying distribution of individual invasive weed species.", "description": "Native to America, florestina was accidentally introduced as a pasture grass seed contaminant in the 1960s. It can invade native rangelands and pastures, with all parts of the plant being toxic and unpalatable to grazing animals. It produces many sticky seeds which are readily dispersed by stock, machinery, people and possibly waterways.", "summary": "Map layer extracted from Biosecurity Queensland pest distribution survey displaying distribution of individual invasive weed species.", "title": "Florestina", "tags": [ "weeds", "pests" ], "type": "", "typeKeywords": [], "thumbnail": "", "url": "", "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 0, "spatialReference": "", "accessInformation": "© State of Queensland (Department of Agriculture and Fisheries), 2023", "licenseInfo": "" }