{ "culture": "en-AU", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "This dataset provides a quick reference to OUTER Boundaries of Declared Fish Habitat Areas for State of Queensland (Fisheries Act-1994). The official plans are available on the Department of National Parks, Sport and Racing website. www.nprsr.qld.gov.au - Managing protected areas - Declared Fish Habitat Areas. \nUpdates are as required. Currency: 17 March 2017 - There are Revisions to 2 areas - Deception Bay (FHA-013 Rev.3) and Jumpinpin-Broadwater (FHA-021 Rev.2). As this follows closely behind the revision of September 2016 no other boundaries have been validated against current DCDB.", "description": "

The 7<\/SPAN>2<\/SPAN> <\/SPAN>Fish Habitat Areas in this dataset are declared under <\/SPAN>S<\/SPAN>ection 120 - Fisheries Act-1994 and <\/SPAN>Schedule 3-Queensland Fisheries Regulations 2008, effective <\/SPAN>1<\/SPAN>7<\/SPAN> <\/SPAN>March <\/SPAN>201<\/SPAN>7<\/SPAN>. This is a composite of ALL Fish Habitat Area boundary areas gazetted/regazetted between 1998-201<\/SPAN>7<\/SPAN>. (The 'OUTER BOUNDARY' conforms where possible<\/SPAN>,<\/SPAN>to base data, prepared from the Digital Cadastral Data Base (DCDB) produced by the Dept of Natural Resources and Mines(D<\/SPAN>N<\/SPAN>RM), and representative of Real Property and Crown Land boundaries. For EXCLUSIONS within these FHA areas - refer to referenced gazettals. Latest Gazettals <\/SPAN>March <\/SPAN>201<\/SPAN>7<\/SPAN>. Note: This dataset has <\/SPAN>NOT <\/SPAN>had the 'OUTER BOUNDARY' line <\/SPAN>validated<\/SPAN> <\/SPAN>with the current cadastre <\/SPAN>which may have o<\/SPAN>c<\/SPAN>cu<\/SPAN>r<\/SPAN>red <\/SPAN>in the last 6 months. <\/SPAN>The indicative boundaries have <\/SPAN>not <\/SPAN>been adjusted in accordance with DCDB shifts that are continuously refined by ground survey and survey control. Cadastre Currency <\/SPAN>is varying for the 72 areas and described in the attribute data (April 2015-<\/SPAN>Nov <\/SPAN>201<\/SPAN>6)<\/SPAN>- To facilitate easy reference to plans <\/SPAN>use the <\/SPAN>hyperlink field now included within the attribute details. See Note in Use Limitations.<\/SPAN><\/P>

<\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>", "summary": "This dataset provides a quick reference to OUTER Boundaries of Declared Fish Habitat Areas for State of Queensland (Fisheries Act-1994). The official plans are available on the Department of National Parks, Sport and Racing website. www.nprsr.qld.gov.au - Managing protected areas - Declared Fish Habitat Areas. \nUpdates are as required. Currency: 17 March 2017 - There are Revisions to 2 areas - Deception Bay (FHA-013 Rev.3) and Jumpinpin-Broadwater (FHA-021 Rev.2). As this follows closely behind the revision of September 2016 no other boundaries have been validated against current DCDB.", "title": "Queensland Fish Habitat Areas", "tags": [ "Queensland Coast", "Marine Habitat Protection" ], "type": "", "typeKeywords": [], "thumbnail": "", "url": "", "minScale": 20000000, "maxScale": 5000, "spatialReference": "", "accessInformation": "© State of Queensland (Department of Environment and Science), 2021", "licenseInfo": "

Outer boundaries as depicted within this dataset are represent<\/SPAN>at<\/SPAN>ive only of the boundaries shown on the Gazetted plans. The boundaries are for <\/SPAN>a<\/SPAN>dmin<\/SPAN>is<\/SPAN>trative purposes only and NOT for USE as formal surveyed lines. While the plans and this dataset are formed on <\/SPAN>a <\/SPAN>base data using the Digital Cadastral Database (Qld) the locational accuracy of the boundaries are, as captured, at a point in time. The DCDB is a vo<\/SPAN>l<\/SPAN>a<\/SPAN>tile source that is continually prone to spatial adjustment as new survey data is captured. Hence the Outer Boundary may NOT truly reflect current cadastre in position and/or parcel identification.<\/SPAN><\/P>

**Note** - There is an additional field \"Declared_P\" which provides a hyperlink option <\/SPAN>as a \"URL\" link <\/SPAN>to the De<\/SPAN>c<\/SPAN>lared Fish Habitat Area plans as they are provided on the NPSR website. When activated, the gazettal plan will populate a Adobe Viewer window with a copy of the official FHA plan - these plans can then be zoomed for detail.<\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>", "portalUrl": "" }