{ "currentVersion": 10.91, "cimVersion": "2.9.0", "id": 1, "name": "Land types", "type": "Feature Layer", "description": "

The GLM Land Types of Queensland is the spatial representation of Queensland grazing land management (GLM) land types as described by the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF). The spatial representation of GLM land types has been produced by the DAF and the Department of Environment and Science by associating Queensland Grazing Land Management land type's (version <\/SPAN>4<\/SPAN>) textual data with Pre-clearing Vegetation Communities and Regional Ecosystems of Queensland (version 10) spatial data. This has produced land type mapping at a map scale of 1:100,000 and 1:50,000 in part. The map scale of 1:50,000 applies to part of South-eastern Queensland and map amendments areas. GLM land types are described in terms of their landform; woody vegetation; expected pasture composition (including suitable sown pastures and introduced weeds); and soil characteristics. Limitations to use of the land and grazing management recommendations are also provided. More than 230 land types from 19 grazing land management regions in Queensland have been described. Development and compilation of the names and descriptions of the 'land types of Queensland' was undertaken by DAF grazing land management <\/SPAN>t<\/SPAN>eam.<\/SPAN>Sub IBRA Bioregions as w<\/SPAN>e<\/SPAN>ll as Agro-climatic zones from Hutchinson et al. have also been incorporated to better identify GLM land types. Version <\/SPAN>7<\/SPAN>completed in <\/SPAN>March<\/SPAN>202<\/SPAN>2<\/SPAN>has updated the following GLM regions: Mitchell grass downs, Mulga, Southern Gulf, Burdekin, Desert <\/SPAN>U<\/SPAN>plands, Inland Burnett, Coastal Burnett, Maranoa Balonne, Border Rivers, Darling Downs, Mackay Whitsunday, Wet Tropics and Northern Gulf.<\/SPAN><\/P>

LT_CODE_1: The dominant land type code. LT_CODE_2 to 5: The subdominant land type codes. LT_NAME_1: The domina<\/SPAN>n<\/SPAN>t land type name. LT_NAME_2 to <\/SPAN>5<\/SPAN>: The subdomina<\/SPAN>n<\/SPAN>t land type name. PERCENT1 to 5: The percentage of the polygon that each GLM land types is. RE1: The dominant regional ecosystem in this polygon. RE2 to RE5: the subdominant regional ecosystems in this polygon. CLIM: The agro-climatic zone from Hutchinson et al. <\/SPAN>Q_REG: Qld bioregion code. Q_REG_NAME: Qld bioregion name. <\/SPAN>Q_SUB: The <\/SPAN>s<\/SPAN>ub-bioregion Code. Q_SUB_NAME: The <\/SPAN>s<\/SPAN>ub-bioregion name. Area_ha: The area in hectares of this polygon. <\/SPAN>Perim: The Perimeter of this polygon in meters. OBJECTID: A unique number for each polygon.<\/SPAN><\/P>

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